Flye was extensively tested on various whole genome PacBio and ONT datasets. In particular, we used Flye to assemble PacBio's P5C3, P6C4, Sequel and Sequel II, CLR or HiFi; ONT's R7-R10 basecalled with Albacore, Guppy and Bonito. We typically use regular (uncorrected) reads without any special preparations.
Flye is designed to support various genomes, for viral bacterial to mammalian-scale. Metagenomic datasets are also supported, including real complex communities. You can also check the table with Flye benchmarks in the Usage file.
We have NOT extensively tested Flye on targeted sequencing (as opposed to whole genome) or local reassembly.
Currently Flye does not explicitly support diploid assemblies. If heterzygosity is low, it should not be a problem for contiguity; however similar alternative haplotypes could be collapsed. Likewise, SNPs and structural variations between the alternative haplotypes will not be captured. If heterozygosity is high, Flye will likely recover alternative haplotypes, but will not phase them. Because we do not attempt to reconstruct pseudo-haplotypes, this will also reduce the overall contiguity.
Yes, use the --meta
option. This option also should be applied if you
expect highly non-uniform read coverage in your dataset.
In this mode, some graph procedures will be less aggressive,
which can decrease the contiguity of a single genome assembly.
In theory - yes, but RAM usage is the limit. We have tested Flye on many human assemblies, which typically require ~450Gb of RAM for ONT and ~140Gb for HiFi. Memory consumption grows linearly with genome size and reads coverage. Thus, genomes beyond ~10Gb is size might be problemmatic to assmeble.
Typically, memory requirements are lower for higher quality data (e.g. PacBio HiFi or ONT Hq mode).
Yes, use the --pacbio-hifi
Yes, use the new --nano-hq
Starting the version 2.9 Flye should be much better in capturing very short
sequences; this is provided that they are covered by at least several reads,
singleton reads will not be assembled. It is recommended to use --meta
mode for
this kind of input.
For a typical bacterial assembly with ~100x read coverage,
Flye needs <10 Gb of RAM and finishes within an hour
using ~30 threads. This will scale linearly with the increase in
read coverage. If you coverage is above 100x, consider use
--asm-coverage 100
to use the longest 100x reads for disjointig
assembly - this should speed things up.
Mid-size eukaryotes (like C. elegans or D. melanogaster) with coverage around 50x might require 2-3 hours and 30-50Gb RAM to assemble (30 threads).
Mammalian assemblies with 40x coverage need ~450Gb of RAM (for ONT) and typically finishes within 3-4 days using 30 threads.
Various benchmarks are also given in the Usage file. Typically, the time and memory usage usually scale linearly with genome size and read coverage. However, highly repetitive genomes might require more memory and be slower to assemble. Most of the Flye stages run in parallel, so the more threads you use, the faster it will be. We typically use 30-50 threads on our hardware.
Note that you can also use --asm-coverage
option to
reduce the memory usage by sampling the longest reads
for the initial disjointig assembly.
One can typically get satisfying assembly contiguity with 30x+ PacBio / ONT reads, if the read length is sufficient (e.g. with N50 of severl kb). You might need higher coverage to improve the consensus quality.
Depending on the technology and read length distribution, you might have success with 20-30x long reads. Assembly of datasets with coverage below 10x is not recommended.
Genome size parameter is no longer required since the version 2.8.
First, make sure that your dataset type is supported (see above), and the parameters are set correctly. Please refer to the manual to set the required paameters correctly.
Secondly, make sure that coverage and read length is sufficient. Flye generally expects coverage to be more than 10x, and reads N90 over 1kb (5kb+ recommended). Flye will not work with reads shorter than 1kb.
If you have verified that Flye configuration is adequate for your dataset and the assembly is still empty, it is very likely that there is simply no sufficient overlaps between reads to assemble anything! This often happens with metagenomic datasets that were sequences with low read depth.
We designed Flye to work on a wide range of datasets using the default parameters. We thus do not expose most of the technical parameters to the user. This also ensures the reproducibility of Flye assemblies in different environments.
If the quality of your assembly worse than expected, first make sure that all required parameters are set correctly (e.g. check the FAQ questions above). Make sure that input reads have sufficient quality, coverage and length.
A notable exception is the --min-overlap
parameter. Intuitively,
we want keep it as high as possible (e.g. 5-10kb) to reduce the complexity
of a repeat graph. However, if the read length is not sufficient,
this might lead to gaps in assembly. Flye automatically
selects this parameter based on the read length distribution,
and for the most of datasets the selected value works well.
In some rare cases, this parameter needs to be adjusted manually,
for example if the read length distribution is skewed.
Since the version 2.9, Flye has a command-line parameter --extra-params
to override config-level parameters that are not normally exposed to
a user. You can experiment at your own risk, we do not provide detailed
guidelines how to set those.
You can do this as follows: first, run the pipeline with all your reads
in the --pacbio-raw
mode (you can specify multiple files, no need to
merge all you reads into one). Also add --iterations 0
to stop the pipeline
before polishing.
Once the assembly finishes, run polishing using either PacBio or ONT reads only.
Use the same assembly options, but add --resume-from polishing
. Here is an
example of a script that should do the job (thanks to @jvhaarst):
flye --pacbio-raw $PBREADS $ONTREADS --iterations 0 --out-dir $OUTPUTDIR --genome-size $SIZE --threads $THREADS
flye --pacbio-raw $PBREADS --resume-from polishing --out-dir $OUTPUTDIR --genome-size $SIZE --threads $THREADS
It is a somewhat difficult question to answer. Flye does include polishing step, and it producing high quality consensus on bacterial PacBio datasets with high coverage. For example, see this recent evaluation by Ryan Wick. On the other hand, PacBio has specialized Quiver/Arrow tools that are more advanced, since they use PacBio-specific signal information. It is possible, that you can get a bit of improvement after applying these tools.
For the recent ONT data (Guppy4+), Flye often achieves Q30+ quality on verious genomes. One can typically push that a bit higher using Medaka or Nanopolish. See the recent Trycycler paper and tool for the discussion.
Illumina correction can fix many of the remaining errors and improve the assembly quality for both PacBio and ONT, for example, using Pilon or Racon. But it should be applied with caution to prevent over-correction of repetitive regions. Also see Watson and Warr paper for a discussion on the assembly quality.
Flye was primarily designed and tested using regular (uncorrected) reads, so it is always the recommended option. Should you decide to use error-corrected reads, it might be a good idea to perform another assembly using raw read input and compare the results.
No, usually it is not necessary. Flye automatically filters out
chimeric reads or reads with bad ends. If the read coverage is very high,
you can use the built-in --asm-coverage
option for subsampling the longest ones.
Note that in PacBio mode, Flye assumes that the input files represent PacBio subreads, e.g. adaptors and scraps are removed and multiple passes of the same insertion sequence are separated. This is typically handled by PacBio instruments/toolchains, however we saw examples of problemmatic raw -> fastq conversions, which resulted into incorrectl subreads. In this case, consider using pbclip to fix your Fasta/q reads.
Currently, cluster environments are not supported. Flye was designed to run on a single high-memory node, and it will be difficult to make it run in a distributed environment. Note that Flye pipeline has multiple consecutive stages, that are could be resumed and run on different machines, if desired.
Yes, you can use the --polish-target
option. Here is an example of
polishing using PacBio reads:
flye --polish-target SEQ_TO_POLISH --pacbio-raw READS --iterations NUM_ITER --out-dir OUTPUTDIR --threads THREADS
You can also provide Bam file as input instead of reads, which will skip the read mapping step.
Please post your question to the issue tracker.
In case you prefer personal communcation, you can contact Mikhail at [email protected].
If you reporting a problem, please include the flye.log
file and provide some
details about your dataset (if possible).