TabPy tools is the Python package of tools for managing the published Python functions on TabPy server.
- Connecting to TabPy
- Authentication
- Deploying a Function
- Providing Schema Metadata
- Querying an Endpoint
- Evaluating Arbitrary Python Scripts
The tools library uses the notion of connecting to a service to avoid having to specify the service location for all subsequent operations:
from tabpy_tools.client import Client
client = Client('http://localhost:9004/')
The URL and port are where the Tableau-Python-Server process has been started - more info can be found in the server section of the documentation.
When TabPy is configured with authentication feature on, client code
has to specify the credentials to use during model deployment with
call for a client:
client.set_credentials('username', 'P@ssw0rd')
Credentials only need to be set once for all futher client operations.
In case credentials are not provided when required deployment will fail with "Unauthorized" code (401).
For how to configure and enable authentication feature for TabPy see TabPy Server Configuration Instructions.
A persisted endpoint is backed by a Python method. For example:
def add(x,y):
import numpy as np
return np.add(x, y).tolist()
client.deploy('add', add, 'Adds two numbers x and y')
The next example is more complex, using scikit-learn's clustering API:
def clustering(x, y):
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
X = np.column_stack([x, y])
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
db = DBSCAN(eps=1, min_samples=3).fit(X)
return db.labels_.tolist()
'Returns cluster Ids for each data point specified by the '
'pairs in x and y')
In this example the function clustering
expects a set of two-dimensional data
points, represented by the list of all x-coordinates and the list of all y-coordinates.
It will return a set of numerical labels corresponding to the clusters each datapoint
is assigned to. We deploy this function as an endpoint named clustering
. It is
now reachable as a REST API, as well as
through the TabPy tools - for details see the next section.
You can re-deploy a function (for example, after you modified its code) by setting
the override
parameter to True
client.deploy('add', add, 'Adds two numbers x and y', override=True)
Each re-deployment of an endpoint will increment its version number, which is also returned as part of the query result.
When deploying endpoints that rely on supervised learning models, you may want to load a saved model instead of training on-the-fly for performance reasons.
Below is an excerpt from the training stage of a hypothetical model that predicts whether or not a loan will default:
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
predictors = [x for x in train.columns if x not in [target, RowID]]
gbm = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.01, n_estimators=600,max_depth=9,
min_samples_split=1200, min_samples_leaf=60, subsample=0.85, random_state=10)
modelfit(gbm, train, test, predictors)
When the trained model (named gbm
in this case) is used in a function being
deployed (as in gbm.predict(...)
below), Tableau will automatically save its
definition using cloudpickle
along with the definition of the function. The model
will also be kept in memory on the server to achieve fast response times. If you
persist your model manually to disk and read as part of your scoring function code
however, you will notice that response times are noticeably longer as every time
a client hits an endpoint, the code (including model loading) will get executed.
In order to get the best performance, we recommended following the methodology
outlined in this example.
def LoanDefaultClassifier(Loan_Amount, Loan_Tenure, Monthly_Income, Age):
import pandas as pd
return gbm.predict(data)
'Returns whether a loan application is likely to default.')
You can find a detailed working example with a downloadable sample Tableau workbook and an accompanying Jupyter workbook that walks through model fitting, evaluation and publishing steps on our blog.
The endpoints that are no longer needed can be removed the following way:
As soon as you share your deployed functions, you also need to share metadata about the function. The consumer of an endpoint needs to know the details of how to use the endpoint, such as:
- The general purpose of the endpoint
- Input parameter names, data types, and their meaning
- Return data type and description
This data goes beyond the single string that we used above when deploying the
function add
. You can use an optional parameter to deploy
to provide such
a structured description, which can then be retrieved by other users connected
to the same server. The schema is interpreted as a Json Schema
object, which you can either manually create or generate using a utility
method provided in this tools package:
from tabpy_tools.schema import generate_schema
schema = generate_schema(
input={'x': 3, 'y': 2},
input_description={'x': 'first value',
'y': 'second value'},
output_description='the sum of x and y')
client.deploy('add', add, 'Adds two numbers x and y', schema=schema)
To describe more complex input, like arrays, you would use the following syntax:
from tabpy_tools.schema import generate_schema
schema = generate_schema(
input={'x': [6.35, 6.40, 6.65, 8.60],
'y': [1.95, 1.95, 2.05, 3.05]},
output=[0, 0, 0, 1],
input_description={'x': 'list of x values',
'y': 'list of y values'},
output_description='cluster Ids for each point x, y')
'Returns cluster Ids for each data point specified by the pairs in x and y',
A schema described as such can be retrieved through the REST Endpoints API
or through the get_endpoints
client API as follows:
Once a Python function has been deployed to the server process, you can use the
client's query
method to query it (assumes you’re already connected to the
x = [6.35, 6.40, 6.65, 8.60, 8.90, 9.00, 9.10]
y = [1.95, 1.95, 2.05, 3.05, 3.05, 3.10, 3.15]
client.query('clustering', x, y)
'model': 'clustering',
'response': [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
'uuid': '1ca01e46-733c-4a77-b3da-3ded84dff4cd',
'version': 2
The other core functionality besides deploying and querying methods as endpoints
is the ad-hoc execution of Python code, called evaluate
. Evaluate does not
have a Python API in tabpy-tools
, only a raw REST interface
that other client bindings can easily implement. Tableau connects to TabPy
using REST Evaluate
allows calling a deployed endpoint from within the Python code block.
The convention for this is to use a provided function call tabpy.query
in the
code, which behaves like the query
method in tabpy-tools
. See the
REST API documentation for an example.