These instructions are distilled from the Onboarding guide and a variety of conversations and experiments.
- Most of the command examples are for a command prompt, as opposed to PowerShell.
We nee typedoc, type2docfx, and docfx for local builds:
The first two are available via npm:
npm i -g type2docfx --save-dev npm i -g typedoc
Get docfx from, and then extract it.
Periodically check for updates, as these tools do not run a self check.
The example commands here assume docfx is in C:\Program Files\docfx\ and that you are using \temp\typeDocs\ for temporary files.
The "current" (as of 4.5) modules are:
- botbuilder
- botbuilder-ai
- botbuilder-applicationinsights
- botbuilder-azure
- botbuilder-core
- botbuilder-dialogs
- botbuilder-testing
- botframework-config
- botframework-connector
- botframework-schema
I've been using a \temp\typeDocs directory for my intermediate files.
rmdir /s /q \temp\typeDocs
Switch to the root of your local copy of the botbuilder-js repo.
cd \Users\jofingold\source\repos\botbuilder-js
Run typedoc on each library to generate the intermediate JSON files.
typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\<lib-name>.json libraries\<lib-name>\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludeNotExported --excludePrivate
For 4.5, the set of commands looked like this:
typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botbuilder.json libraries\botbuilder\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botbuilder-ai.json libraries\botbuilder-ai\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botbuilder-applicationinsights.json libraries\botbuilder-applicationinsights\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botbuilder-azure.json libraries\botbuilder-azure\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botbuilder-core.json libraries\botbuilder-core\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botbuilder-dialogs.json libraries\botbuilder-dialogs\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botbuilder-testing.json libraries\botbuilder-testing\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botframework-config.json libraries\botframework-config\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botframework-connector.json libraries\botframework-connector\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported typedoc --mode file --json \temp\typeDocs\botframework-schema.json libraries\botframework-schema\src --ignoreCompilerErrors --includeDeclarations --excludeExternals --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported
Switch to the directory containing the intermediate JSON files.
cd \temp\typeDocs
Run type2docfx for each JSON file to generate intermediate YAML files.
type2docfx <lib-name>.json _yaml\<lib-name>
For 4.5, the set of commands looked like this:
type2docfx botbuilder.json _yaml\botbuilder type2docfx botbuilder-ai.json _yaml\botbuilder-ai type2docfx botbuilder-applicationinsights.json _yaml\botbuilder-applicationinsights type2docfx botbuilder-azure.json _yaml\botbuilder-azure type2docfx botbuilder-core.json _yaml\botbuilder-core type2docfx botbuilder-dialogs.json _yaml\botbuilder-dialogs type2docfx botbuilder-testing.json _yaml\botbuilder-testing type2docfx botframework-config.json _yaml\botframework-config type2docfx botframework-connector.json _yaml\botframework-connector type2docfx botframework-schema.json _yaml\botframework-schema
Note that type2doxfx generates a TOC for each library. We need to combine these together.
The previous set of commands generated YAML files in a set of subdirectories. Drop down to the root of the YAML files.
cd _yaml
Create the combined toc.yml file by appending all the lower-level TOCs into a common, master TOC.
For 4.5, the command looked like this:
type botbuilder\toc.yml botbuilder-ai\toc.yml botbuilder-applicationinsights\toc.yml botbuilder-azure\toc.yml botbuilder-core\toc.yml botbuilder-dialogs\toc.yml botbuilder-testing\toc.yml botframework-config\toc.yml botframework-connector\toc.yml botframework-schema\toc.yml > toc.yml
Create a branch off of botbuilder-docs-sdk-typescript
Replace the old "autogen" files with the ones you generated locally.
cd \Users\jofingold\source\repos\botbuilder-docs-sdk-typescript\botbuilder-typescript\docs-ref-autogen\ del /s /q *.* robocopy \temp\typeDocs\_yaml .\ *.* /s
In PowerShell, switch to the repo root and set your execution policy. Agree to [A]ll the policy changes.
cd \Users\jofingold\source\repos\botbuilder-docs-sdk-typescript\ Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
If it already exists, delete the _themes directory. Agree to delete [A]ll items in the directory.
rmdir _themes
Run the publishing script:
Run docfx (from \Users\jofingold\source\repos\botbuilder-docs-sdk-typescript\botbuilder-typescript)
cd \Users\jofingold\source\repos\botbuilder-docs-sdk-typescript\botbuilder-typescript
Clobber the old site
rmdir /s /q docfx_project rmdir /s /q obj rmdir /s /q _site
Rebuild the site
"C:\Program Files\docfx\docfx.exe" init -q "C:\Program Files\docfx\docfx.exe"
Serve the site locally:
"C:\Program Files\docfx\docfx.exe" serve _site
Open the site in a browser to review the local build:
- http://localhost:8080/_site/botbuilder-typescript/botbuilder-ts-latest/api/botbuilder/
- Note: The port number might be different; check the status message from the docfx serve command.
- Note: Links in the TOC are missing a .html at the end of the URLs.
- Do use @remarks tags.
- Don't use [[ ]] links.
- Do use [<link-text>](xref:<link-uid>) links.
- The UIDs are in the generated .yaml files.
- Or, search for the target at
- Don't use @see tags.