Python package that adds IntelligentGraph capabilities to RDFLib RDF graph package
Python interface for the SCIP Optimization Suite
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Final project repo for UCLA CS 267A
Python AutoML for Trading Systems and Sports Betting
Automatically identifies support and resistance lines on a stock chart using reversal points, displays candlestick chart.
Technical Analysis Library using Pandas and Numpy
Interaction Embeddings for Prediction and Explanation in Knowledge Graphs (WSDM'2019)
Parsing pdf tables using YOLOV3
HAVOK analysis - Hankel alternative view of Koopman
Tutorial code and data for the entity resolution workshops.
Parse XBRL filings from the SEC's EDGAR in Python
Linear Prediction Model with Automated Feature Engineering and Selection Capabilities
Analysis of NYC Green Taxi and a model to predict the tip as a percentage of the total fare
Use highchart.js to make plots in Python and IPython notebooks
A simple translation layer between Python and Javascript for Highcharts projects (highcharts, highmaps, and highstocks).