A model registry to host marchine leaning models.
Download binary from latest release to your PATH.
Completions provided via modelx completions zsh|bash|fish|powershell
Init a model and push to modelx server:
$ modelx init my-model
Modelx model initialized in my-model
$ tree my-model
├── modelx.yaml
└── README.md
$ cd my-model
# add model files
$ echo "some script" > scripy.sh
$ echo -n "some binary" > binary.dat
# update modelx.yaml
# add modelx registry
$ modelx repo add kubegems http://modelx.kubegems.io
# "login" to modelx registry (Obtain token from your modelx registry admin)
$ modelx login kubegems --token <token>
# push my-model v1 to modelx registry
$ modelx push kubegems:my-model@v1
# list model you just uploaded
$ modelx list kubegems:mymodel
contains model's metadata, a full example is:
inputs: {}
outputs: {}
description: This is a modelx model
framework: <some framework>
- maintainer
modelFiles: []
- modelx
- <other>
task: ""
See helm charts