title | permalink | meta_desc_en | meta_desc_ru |
titles.people |
/people/ |
Lecturers at the Department of Intelligent Systems: Founders of the Department, Doctors of Science, Ph.D, teachers, Graduate Students, Instructors |
Преподаватели Кафедры интеллектуальных систем: Основатели кафедры, Доктора наук, Кандидаты наук, преподаватели, Аспиранты, семинаристы |
{% for role in site.global.people.roles %}
{% if role != 'template' %}
{% for profile in site.people %}
{% if profile.position contains role %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if profile.avatar %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% t peoples.name.{{ profile.id | split: "/" | last }} %}
{% endfor %}