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Containerize your development and operations environment


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Runs an isolated, reproducible, well-defined environment for operations.



Run interactively (no command set), using configuration file.

$ cat Dojofile
$ dojo
2019/01/25 13:48:01 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.1.0
2019/01/25 13:48:01 [17]  INFO: (main.DockerDriver.HandleRun) docker command will be:
 docker run --rm -v /home/ewa/code/dojo:/dojo/work -v /home/ewa:/dojo/identity:ro \
   --env-file=/tmp/dojo-environment-dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-48-01-17043942 \
   -ti --name=dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-48-01-17043942 "alpine:3.8"
/ # whoami
/ # exit
$ echo $?

Run one command, using configuration file:

$ cat Dojofile
$ dojo whoami
2019/01/25 13:49:08 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.1.0
2019/01/25 13:49:08 [17]  INFO: (main.DockerDriver.HandleRun) docker command will be:
 docker run --rm -v /home/ewa/code/dojo:/dojo/work -v /home/ewa:/dojo/identity:ro \
   --env-file=/tmp/dojo-environment-dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-49-08-38384463 \
   -ti --name=dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-49-08-38384463 "alpine:3.8" whoami
$ echo $?

Run one command, without configuration file:

$ dojo --image=alpine:3.8 whoami
2019/01/25 13:50:37 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.1.0
2019/01/25 13:50:37 [ 7]  INFO: (main.DockerDriver.HandleRun) docker command will be:
 docker run --rm -v /home/ewa/code/dojo:/dojo/work -v /home/ewa:/dojo/identity:ro \
   --env-file=/tmp/dojo-environment-dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-50-37-28841830 \
   -ti --name=dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-50-37-28841830 alpine:3.8 whoami

Run one command, save output to a variable:

$ my_stdout=$(dojo whoami)
2019/01/25 13:51:39 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.1.0
2019/01/25 13:51:39 [17]  INFO: (main.DockerDriver.HandleRun) docker command will be:
 docker run --rm -v /home/ewa/code/dojo:/dojo/work -v /home/ewa:/dojo/identity:ro \
  --env-file=/tmp/dojo-environment-dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-51-39-19563225 \
  --name=dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-51-39-19563225 "alpine:3.8" whoami
$ echo $my_stdout

Run one command, using configuration file, exit status is non 0.

$ cat Dojofile
$ dojo not-existent-cmd
2019/01/25 14:00:58 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.1.0
2019/01/25 14:00:58 [17]  INFO: (main.DockerDriver.HandleRun) docker command will be:
 docker run --rm -v /home/ewa/code/dojo:/dojo/work -v /home/ewa:/dojo/identity:ro \
   --env-file=/tmp/dojo-environment-dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_14-00-58-90652377 \
   -ti --name=dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_14-00-58-90652377 "alpine:3.8" not-existent-cmd
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "exec: \"not-existent-cmd\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown.
$ echo $?

Run one command, without configuration file, driver is docker-compose:

$ dojo --driver=docker-compose --dcf=./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml --image=alpine:3.8 whoami
2019/01/25 13:53:03 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.1.0
2019/01/25 13:53:03 [17]  INFO: (main.FileService.WriteToFile) Written file ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml.dojo, contents:
 version: '2.2'
    image: alpine:3.8
      - /home/ewa:/dojo/identity:ro
      - /home/ewa/code/dojo:/dojo/work
      - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
      - /tmp/dojo-environment-dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-53-03-10131355
2019/01/25 13:53:03 [17]  INFO: (main.DockerComposeDriver.HandleRun) docker-compose run command will be:
 docker-compose -f ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml -f ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml.dojo -p dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-53-03-10131355 run --rm default whoami
Creating network "dojodojo2019012513530310131355_default" with the default driver
Creating dojodojo2019012513530310131355_abc_1 ...
Creating dojodojo2019012513530310131355_abc_1 ... done
2019/01/25 13:53:05 [17]  INFO: (main.DockerComposeDriver.stop) Stopping containers with command:
docker-compose -f ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml -f ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml.dojo -p dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-53-03-10131355 stop
Stopping dojodojo2019012513530310131355_abc_1 ... done
2019/01/25 13:53:06 [ 1]  INFO: (main.DockerComposeDriver.CleanAfterRun) Removing containers with command:
docker-compose -f ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml -f ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml.dojo -p dojo-dojo-2019-01-25_13-53-03-10131355 down
Removing dojodojo2019012513530310131355_abc_1 ... done
Removing network dojodojo2019012513530310131355_default

Just pull the images without creating docker containers:

$ dojo --driver=docker-compose --dcf=./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml --action=pull
2019/01/25 14:20:13 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.1.0
2019/01/25 14:20:13 [ 1]  INFO: (main.DockerComposeDriver.HandlePull) docker-compose pull command will be:
 docker-compose -f ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml -f ./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml.dojo -p dojo pull
3.8: Pulling from library/alpine

What is it?

Dojo is a CLI program. It spawns docker containers, invoking either docker run or docker-compose run command. You are responsible for providing a specialized Dojo docker image, but Dojo will work with any docker image.

Why not just use the official Docker images? Read: Dojo Docker image.

Dojo is responsible for constructing a proper docker run or docker-compose run command where:

  • it bind-mounts (rw) current directory (WorkDirOuter) on host onto /dojo/work directory (WorkDirInner) in docker container
  • it bind-mounts (ro) your HOME directory (IdentityDirOuter) on host onto /dojo/identity directory in docker container
  • it preserves environment variables, while blacklisting some of them, e.g.: HOME, USERNAME, USER, any variables starting with BASH prefix, etc. All the environment variables that are going to be preserved into a container are saved into a file: /tmp/dojo-environment-<run_ID>. Then, this file is passed to docker run command as --env-file value.
  • For docker-compose driver, second docker-compose file is generated. Its name ends with .dojo and it is used to set all the above pointed informations.
  • if you have DISPLAY environment variable set, then an opinionated method is used to ensure the container will work with graphical applications. (The method is: to mount /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix and to set this in the docker container: DISPLAY=unix:0.0).

After the command is finished, Dojo runs cleanup (docker containers are stopped and removed, temporary files are removed).

In order to understand the Dojo bind-mounts, read: Dojo Docker image.


You can keep configuration in a file, conventionally named: Dojofile or use CLI flags.

$ ./bin/dojo --help
Usage of dojo <flags> [--] <CMD>:
  -a string
    	Action: run, pull. Default: run (shorthand)
  -action string
    	Action: run, pull. Default: run
  -blacklist string
    	List of variables, split by commas, to be blacklisted in a docker container
  -c string
    	Config file. Default: ./Dojofile (shorthand)
  -config string
    	Config file. Default: ./Dojofile
  -d string
    	Driver: docker or docker-compose (dc for short). Default: docker (shorthand)
  -dcf string
    	Docker-compose file. Default: ./docker-compose.yml. Only for driver: docker-compose (shorthand)
  -debug string
    	Set log level to debug (verbose). Default: false
  -docker-compose-file string
    	Docker-compose file. Default: ./docker-compose.yml. Only for driver: docker-compose
  -docker-options string
    	Options to the docker run command. E.g. "--init"
  -driver string
    	Driver: docker or docker-compose (dc for short). Default: docker
  -exit-behavior string
    	How to react when a container (not the default one) exits. Possible values: ignore, abort (default), restart. Only for driver: docker-compose
  -h	Print help and exit 0 (shorthand)
    	Print help and exit 0
  -i string
    	Set to false if you want to force not interactive docker run
  -identity-dir-outer string
    	Directory on host, to be mounted into a docker container to /dojo/identity. Default: $HOME
  -image string
    	Docker image name and tag, e.g. alpine:3.8
  -interactive string
    	Set to false if you want to force not interactive docker run
  -remove-containers string
    	Set to true if you want to not remove docker containers. Default: true
  -rm string
    	Set to true if you want to not remove docker containers. Default: true
  -test string
    	Set this to true when integration testing. This turns writing env files to a test directory
  -v	Print version and exit 0 (shorthand)
    	Print version and exit 0
  -w string
    	Directory in a docker container, to which we bind mount from host. Default: /dojo/work (shorthand)
  -work-dir-inner string
    	Directory in a docker container, to which we bind mount from host. Default: /dojo/work
  -work-dir-outer string
    	Directory on host, to be mounted into a docker container. Default: current directory

All the configuration file options with example values:

# same as CLI: driver
# same as CLI: image
# same as CLI: docker-options
DOJO_DOCKER_OPTIONS="-e ABC=123 --privileged"
# same as CLI: docker-compose-file
# no counterpart in CLI. Options for docker-compose run command.
# same as CLI: work-dir-outer
# same as CLI: work-dir-inner
# same as CLI: identity-dir-outer
# same as CLI: exit-behavior
# same as CLI: blacklist
# you can set in CLI: --debug=true or --debug=false

docker-compose file

If you choose driver: docker-compose, you have to provide a docker-compose file. Requirements:

  • version of docker-compose file must be >=2.2
  • there must be a default service declared
  • do not set image option, it will be overridden anyways by the image you configured in configuration file or by CLI flag.

Dojo will run a command in the default container.

Example docker-compose file:

version: '2.2'
    init: true
    - abc:abc
    - /tmp/additional-volume:/tmp/additional-volume
      ABC_DEF: "1234"
    init: true
    image: alpine:3.8
    entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
    command: ["while true; do sleep 1d; done;"]

By default, ExitBehavior is set to abort, which means that if any of the non-default containers is stopped (in the example above: abc container), Dojo will stop all the docker-compose containers.

Reacting on signals

Dojo reacts on signals: SIGINT (Ctrl+C) and SIGTERM. Dojo recognizes if 1 or 2 signals were sent. This means: you can press e.g. Ctrl+C two times to speed up containers stopping.

event driver what to do exit status
one signal docker docker stop that 1 container 130 for SIGINT, 2 for SIGTERM
one signal docker-compose docker stop default container, then docker-compose stop to gracefully stop all the other containers (there may be order by which the rest of containers should be stopped) 130 for SIGINT, 2 for SIGTERM
2 signals docker docker kill that 1 container 3
2 signals docker-compose docker kill default container, then docker-compose kill to immediately stop all the other containers (there may be order by which the rest of containers should be stopped) 3
>2 signals all ignored 3

In order to not couple Dojo behavior with Docker and Docker-Compose behavior, signals from terminal are not simply preserved onto docker run or docker-compose run process (the process is started with a separate process group ID).

docker-compose stop and docker-compose kill do not stop the default container, created with docker-compose run default CMD, thus, firstly, we stop the default container.

After goroutines that handle signals are finished, cleanup is performed (remove docker containers, network, environment file and docker-compose.yml.dojo file).

To test reacting on signals, run the following commands. After "will sleep" is printed, press Ctrl+C. You may also test pressing Ctrl+C more times.

  1. driver: docker, container's PID 1 process not preserving signals:
dojo --image=alpine:3.8 -i=false sh -c "echo 'will sleep' && sleep 1d"
  1. driver: docker, container's PID 1 process preserving signals:
dojo --docker-options="--init" --image=alpine:3.8 -i=false sh -c "echo 'will sleep' && sleep 1d"
  1. driver: docker-compose:
dojo --driver=docker-compose --dcf=./test/test-files/itest-dc.yaml -i=false --image=alpine:3.8 sh -c "echo 'will sleep' && sleep 1d"



The binary

There is only 1 binary file to install:

# on Linux:
wget -O=/tmp/dojo${version}/dojo_linux_amd64
# or on Darwin:
# wget -O=/tmp/dojo${version}/dojo_darwin_amd64
chmod +x /tmp/dojo
mv /tmp/dojo /usr/bin/dojo

Alternatively, you can build the binary file yourself, see Development.


Dojo is intended to be used with short-running commands, e.g. to compile code, to create backup dump, to use a 3rd party software to do some operation like e.g. use Terraform to create a VM or run some graphical IDE for local development. It is rather not expected to use Dojo with long-running commands, e.g. to run a server 24/7.

Dojo was invented in order to resolve the problems of:

  • fast changing work environment requirements (you had to reinstall/reconfigure over and over again)
  • using different environments at the same moment (e.g using Java 7 for some projects and Java 8 for other)
  • work environments becoming bloated (in one machine you have to have installed and configured: Mono, Java, Python, etc.)
  • not reproducible work environments - works on my machine (e.g. you installed Mono just fine on your work computer, but then installing it on your laptop demanded some additional steps or resulted in having installed different versions). This is especially important if you use Continuous Integration, the environment should be the same on workstation and CI agents.
  • mutable work environments - e.g. your code compiled a month ago, but you installed sth new and it influenced the environment
  • experimenting with new technologies without breaking your workstation


Dojo was tested only on Linux, with local Docker server.


Run those command in ide:

./tasks deps
./tasks build
./tasks unit

run integration tests in environment with Bats installed:

./tasks e2e