Each sticky can have memo, and the size and position are changeable.
And sidebar displays the list of stickies, you can jump a selected sticky.
- Create a sticky
- context-menu -> "Generate Sticky" or Ctrl + Shift + C
- Delete a sticky
- Click "x" on sticky or Ctrl + Shift + D
- Toggle Visible/Invisible
- context-menu -> "Display/Hide this sticky" or Ctrl + q
- Change the position of a sticky
- Drag the upper part of a sticky
- Change the size of a sticky
- Drag the lower right a sticky
- Display sticky list on Sidebar
- icon-menu -> "Sticky List" or Ctrl + Shift + S
- Focus to Sidebar
- Ctrl + Shift + F
- Search stickies from Sidebar
- Ctrl + Shift + l
- Sidebar displays stickies that are sorted by site name, or tag name, or tag name and site name.
- Jump to a sticky
- Right click menu "Jump to this sticky" or type "j" on selection state
- Delete a sticky
- Right click menu "Delete this sticky" or type "Enter" on selection state or double click a sticky
- Search stickies on Sidebar
- Focus on search box or Ctrl + Shift + l
- Select sidebar display option
- Click "Display on " combobox or Ctrl + Shift + o
You can add tag to sticky with the upper textbox. you can add multiple tags with "," separated characters. In sidebar, stickies are gathered by tag.
you can import/export with json file.
- Export
- From icon-menu: icon-menu -> Export: Export all stickies as json file (ex: stickynotes_all.json)
- From sidebar: open sidebar-context-menu -> Export
- Export single sticky or multiple stickies which in selected item (ex: stickynotes_page_1.json)
- Import
- icon-menu -> Import -> select json file.
you can cutomize shortcut and other settings fron icon-menu.
- whether or not confirm before delete