An Elixir library for handling word inflections.
You can add Inflex as a dependency in your mix.exs
file. Since it only requires Elixir and Erlang there are no other dependencies.
def deps do
{:inflex, "~> 2.0.0"}
If you are not using hex you can add the dependency using the GitHub repository.
def deps do
{:inflex, github: "nurugger07/inflex"}
Then run mix deps.get
in the shell to fetch and compile the dependencies.
To incorporate Inflex in your modules, use import
defmodule Blog do
import Inflex
def greeting(count), do: "You are the #{ordinalize(count)} visitor!"
Here are some basic examples from iex
iex(1)> Inflex.singularize("dogs")
iex(2)> Inflex.pluralize("dog")
iex(3)> Inflex.singularize("people")
iex(4)> Inflex.pluralize("person")
Some other special cases are handled for nouns ending in -o and -y
iex(1)> Inflex.pluralize("piano")
iex(2)> Inflex.pluralize("hero")
iex(3)> Inflex.pluralize("butterfly")
iex(4)> Inflex.pluralize("monkey")
iex(1)> Inflex.inflect("child", 1)
iex(2)> Inflex.inflect("child", 2)
Inflex also camelizes or pascalizes strings and atoms.
iex(1)> Inflex.camelize(:upper_camel_case)
iex(2)> Inflex.camelize("pascal-case", :lower)
Strings can be parameterized easily.
iex(1)> Inflex.parameterize("String for parameter")
iex(2)> Inflex.parameterize("String with underscore", "_")
Makes an underscored, lowercase form from a string or atom.
iex(1)> Inflex.underscore("UpperCamelCase")
iex(2)> Inflex.underscore("pascalCase")
iex(3)> Inflex.underscore(UpperCamelCase)
iex(4)> Inflex.underscore(:pascalCase)
All pull requests will be reviewed for inclusion but must include tests.
Copyright (c) 2013 Johnny Winn
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.