Custom Cipher library that I am just building to play with different ways of manipulating data. The cipher is a complex shift cipher that shifts the hex digits of characters in the text in a multiple dimensional shift.
This is my first attempt at a cipher and I realize it is likely not a super strong cipher. I would welcome any feedback on it. I also would not reccomend using it for an application that requires super strong ciphers.
Using a key
// Set password and message
var password = "Testing#158";
var message = "This is a random test message";
// Show original message
Console.WriteLine("Original Message");
// Generate key from password
var key = EnKrypt.Rubyk.GetKey(password);
// Encrypt the message
var cipher = EnKrypt.Rubyk.Encrypt(message, key);
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Encrypted Message");
// Decrypt the message
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Decrypted Message");
Console.WriteLine(EnKrypt.Rubyk.Decrypt(cipher, key));
Using a plain text password
// Set password and message
var password = "Testing#158";
var message = "This is a random test message";
// Show original message
Console.WriteLine("Original Message");
// Encrypt the message
var cipher = EnKrypt.Rubyk.Encrypt(message, password);
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Encrypted Message");
// Decrypt the message
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Decrypted Message");
Console.WriteLine(EnKrypt.Rubyk.Decrypt(cipher, password));
The shift was done by first converting characters to their hex value. Once converted to hex, the individual hex values would shift 1 character and then converted bac into characters.
For example:
Kupo = 4B 75 70 6F
Would convert to the following
B7 57 06 F4
The cubes are a minimum of 3x3x3. The cubes expand to a size that will contain enough elements to fit each character of the text. So a string up to 27 character will fit in a 3x3x3. Between 28 and 64 the cube will be a 4x4x4.
If there are any empty elements in the cube after the plain text has been populated, the rest of the elements will be populated with a character "0". This is so that no element is left empty.
When populated, a cube should look something like the below text
Text: Testing a short string
Layer 0:
T t g
0 o 0
r g 0
Layer 1:
e i 0
s r s
i 0 0
Layer 2:
s n a
h t t
n 0 0