Fixed Income Analytics Library contains the Valuation and Risk Functionality of the Principal Asset Classes, i.e., Equity, Rates, Credit, FX, Commodity, and their Hybrids.
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- Analytics => Date, Cash Flow, and Cash Flow Period Measure Generation Utilities.
- Dynamics => HJM, Hull-White, LMM, and SABR Dynamic Evolution Models.
- Market => Static Market Fields - the Definitions, the OTC/Exchange Traded Products, and the Treasury Settings.
- Param => Core Suite of Parameters - Product Cash Flow, Valuation, Market, Pricing, and Quoting Parameters.
- Pricer => Custom Pricing Algorithms and the Derivative Fokker Planck Trajectory Generators.
- Product => Product Components/Baskets for Credit, FRA, FX, Govvie, Rates, and Option Asset Classes.
- State => Latent State Inference and Creation Utilities.
- Template => Pricing/Risk Templates for Fixed Income Products.
- Associations and Exchanges
- Associations
- Exchanges
- Date Conventions
- Day Count Conventions
- Business Day Conventions
- References
- Overnight and IBOR Like Indexes
- IBOR Indexes - Introduction
- Main IBOR Indexes
- Other IBOR Indexes
- Overnight Index Definitions
- Overnight Index Committees and Meeting Dates
- Over the Counter Instruments
- Forward Rate Agreements
- Interest Rate Swaps
- Vanilla IRS
- Interest Rate Swaps (Basis Swaps: IBOR for IBOR)
- Cross Currency Swaps: IBOR for IBOR
- Constant Maturity Swaps
- Swap Indexes
- Overnight Index Swaps
- Swaptions
- Forex and Forward Swaps
- Exchange Traded Instruments
- Introduction
- Overnight Futures
- Short Term Interest Rate (STIR) Futures
- Currency Specific Futures
- Interest Rates Futures Option - Premium
- Interest Rates Futures Option - Margin
- Bank Bill Futures - AUD Style
- Deliverable Swap (IRS) Futures - PV Quoted
- Bond Futures (non AUD/NZD)
- Country-specific Bond Futures - USD
- Country-specific Bond Futures - Germany
- Country-specific Bond Futures - Spain
- Country-specific Bond Futures - GBP
- Country-specific Bond Futures - JPY
- Options on Bond Futures (non AUD/NZD) - Premium
- Options on Bond Futures (non AUD/NZD) - Margin
- AUD-NZD Bond Futures
- Treasury Futures Hedging and Trading
- Introduction and Contract Detail Specifications
- References
- Identification of the CTD in the Basket
- Motivation for the Conversion Factor
- Illustration - Old vs. Active Treasury
- Market Parameters Influencing the CTD Calculation
- Impact of the Yield Curve Changes
- References
- Valuation of Treasury Futures Contract
- Futures Contract and Mark to Market
- Role of the Clearing Corporation
- Delivery Options for the Underlying
- Implied Repo Rate for Futures
- Net Basis for Treasury Futures
- References
- Curve Builder Features
- Overview
- Discount Curves
- References
- Curve Construction Methodology
- Approach
- State Span Design Components
- Curve Calibration from Instruments/Quotes
- Calibration Considerations
- References
- Curve Construction Formulation
- Introduction
- Segment Linear Discount Curve Calibration
- Curve Jacobian
- References
- Stream-based Calibration
- Latent State Formulation Metric (LSFM)
- Stream Inference Setup
- Coupon Period Based Calibration Specification
- Stream Based Calibration Specification
- Calibration of Multi-Stream Components
- Spanning Spline
- Formulation and Setup
- Challenges with the Spanning Spline Approach
- References
- Monotone Decreasing Splines
- Motivation
- Exponential Rational Basis Spline
- Exponential Mixture Basis Set
- References
- Hagan West (2006) Smoothness Preserving Spanning Spline
- Monotone and Convexity Preserving Estimators
- Positivity Preserving Estimators
- Ameliorating Estimator
- Harmonic Spline Extension to the Framework Above
- Minimal Quadratic Estimator
- References
- Extrapolation in Curve Construction
- Multi-Pass Curve Construction
- Motivation
- Bear-Sterns Multi-Pass Curve Building Techniques
- References
- Transition Spline (or Stitching Spline)
- Motivation
- Stretch Modeling Using Transition Splines
- Stretch Partition/Isolation in Transition Splines
- Knot Insertion vs. Transition Splines
- Overlapping Stretches
- Penalizing Exact/Closeness of Fit and Curvature Penalty
- Motivation
- References
- Index/Tenor Basis Swaps
- Component Layout and Motivation
- Formulation
- References
- Multi-Stretch Merged Curve Construction
- Motivation
- Merge Stretch Calibration
- Latent State Manifest Measure Sensitivity
- Introduction
- Float-Float Manifest Measure Sensitivities
- Multi-Reset Floating Period
- OIS Valuation and Curve Construction
- Base Framework and Environment Setup
- OIS Valuation Extensions and Approximations
- OIS-FX Basis Swap Valuation and Approximation
- Arithmetic Accrual Convexity Correction
- Composed Period Latent State Loadings
- References
- Spline Based Credit Curve Calibration
- References
- Correlated Multi-Curve Build-Out
- Introduction
- Standard FRA Setup
- Standard FRA Options
- No Arbitrage and Counter-party Risk Based FRA Formulation
- Market FRA Setup
- Futures
- Multi-Curve Swap Valuation
- References
- Cross Currency Basis Swap
- Product Details and Valuation
- Building the CCS Discount Curve
- Custom CCBS Based Discount Curve Construction SKU
- Mark To Market Cross Currency Swap Valuation
- Mark To Market Cross Currency Swap Valuation Formulation
- Absolute/Relative MTM Application
- Per-trade Risk Isolation Components
- References
- Convexity Correction Associated with Margining
- Hedging Considerations
- Product Curve Effect Attribution
- Market Value Change Explain Componentsd
- Coupon Accrual Intrinsic
- Market Parameters Intrinsic
- Market Parameters Extrinsic
- Market Value Change Effects Formulation
- Inference Based Curve Construction
- Curve Smoothing in Finance
- Bayesian Curve Calibration
- Sequential Curve Estimation
- References
- Credit Analytics Bond RV Calculation Methodology
- Introduction
- The Bond RV Measure Set
- Asset Swap Spread
- Bond Basis
- Convexity
- Credit Basis
- Discount Margin
- Duration
- DV01
- G Spread
- I Spread
- Macaulay Duration
- Modified Duration
- Option Adjusted Spread
- Par Asset Swap Spread
- Par Spread
- Par Equivalent CDS Spread (PECS)
- Price
- Spread Over Treasury Benchmark
- Yield
- Yield Basis
- Yield Spread
- Yield01
- Zero Discount Margin (ZDM)
- Zero (Z) Spread
- Realtive Value Cross Metric Grid
- Basic Measures
- Some Trivial Closed Form Analytical Bond Math Results
- Stochastic Calculus
- Single Factor Stochastic Calculus
- Multi-Factor Stochastic Calculus
- Risk Neutral Pricing Framework
- References
- Black Scholes Methodology
- Overview and Base Derivation
- The Replication Technology
- Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Multi Numeraire Formulation
- References
- Log Normal Black Scholes Greeks
- First Order Greeks
- Second Order Greeks
- Third Order Greeks
- Black Scholes Extensions
- Time Dependent Black Scholes
- Local Volatility Models
- Black Normal Model Specification and Dynamics
- Options on Forward
- Theoretical Framework and Background
- Valuation
- Stochastic Volatility Models: The Heston Model
- Model Specification and Dynamics
- Price Estimation Through Characteristic Functions
- Fourier Inversion in Characteristic Function
- References
- Dynamical Latent State Calibration
- Fokker Planck Equations
- Volatility Observations vs. Calibration
- References
- HJM Model
- Introduction
- Formulation
- Hull White from HJM
- G2++ - A 2F HJM Model
- HJM to LMM
- References
- Hull White Model
- Short Rate Formulation
- Hull White Trinomial Tree
- Construction of the Symmetric Trinomial Tree
- Displacing the Nodes of the Trinomial Tree
- References
- Market Model of Interest Rate Dynamics
- Problems with Conventional Market Practice
- Nomenclature and Notation
- References
- The BGM Model
- LIBOR Rate Dynamics
- Relation to the HJM Dynamics
- Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity of the LIBOR Dynamics Solution
- Upper/Lower Bounds for the LIBOR Rate
- Invariant Measure for the LIBOR Rate
- References
- Application of BGM to Derivatives Pricing
- Cap/Floor Pricing
- Payer Swap Option Pricing
- Payer Swap Option Pricing Simplification
- Mismatched Period Cap/Swaption Pricing
- Approximate vs. Full Simulation Comparisons
- Typical Model Calibration Results
- References
- The SABR Model
- Introduction
- Parameter Estimation
- Reference
- LMM Calibration and Greeks Overview
- Motivation for Robust LMM Calibration
- Robust LMM Calibration Approaches Overview
- Cross Currency LIBOR Market Model
- LMM Based Greeks Calculation Approaches
- References
- LMM Extensions Overview and Literature
- LMM Approach Advantages and Drawbacks
- Major Extensions to the LMM
- Derivatives Fair Value Pricing Challenge
- Hedging the Derivatives Cash Flow
- Basic LMM and its Calibration
- LMM Skew and its Calibration
- LMM Smile and its Calibration
- Cross Currency Extensions to LMM
- LMM Monte Carlo Methods and Greeks
- Numerical Methods for LMM Calibration
- LMM Calibration and Greeks - Results
- First Generation LMM Treatment Literature
- Smile Extensions to the LMM
- Numerical Methods in Calibration/Greeks
- Object Based Financial Valuation Models
- References
- Algorithmic Differentiation
- Glossary
- Overview
- Algorithmic Differentiation in Finance
- References
- Algorithmic Differentiation - Basics
- Motivation and Advantages
- Program Sequence Construction Modes
- Canonicalization - Program Statements Simplification by Decomposition
- Challenges of Automating the Differentiation
- Wengert Representation and Optimal Program Structure Synthesis
- Optimization using Pre-accumulation and Check-pointing
- Algorithmic Differentiation Financial Application Space Customization
- References
- Sensitivity Generation During Curve Construction
- Introduction
- Curve Jacobian
- Stochastic Entity Evolution
- Stochastic Entity Evolution - Sensitivity Formulation
- Sensitivities to Stochastic State Variates and Dynamical Parameters
- Stochastic Variate Evolution Constrained by Splines
- Formulation of the Evolution of Stochastic Variate Self-Jacobian
- Correlated Stochastic Variables Evolution
- LMM Forward Rate Evolution
- References
- Formulation of Sensitivities for Pay-off Functions
- Formulation of Pay-off Function Stochastic Evolution
- Path Greek
- Path Sensitivity to the Correlation Matrix
- Algorithmic Differentiation in Payoff Sensitivities Calculation
- References
- Bermudan Swap Option Sensitivities
- Base Formulation
- Greek Estimation
- LSM Methodology
- References
- Basket Sensitivities
- NTD Product Formulation
- Basket Options
- References
- Leibnitz Integral Rule
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