- update to flutter 3.10
- update kotlin_version to 1.7.20 and gradle version to 7.3.0
- Android: Support V2 embedding (Thanks nikitadol)
- Specify ios class plugin
- Support for Null Safety
- iOS: Some improvements
- Android: Allow webview to access local files
- iOS: Support for Swift version 4.2
- Android: Enabled JavaScript support (Thanks GautamChibde)
- Android: Migration to AndroidX
- iOS: Added longer delay to fix the error with poor local images loading
- Android: Small code cleanup
- Android: Updated Gradle and Kotlin versions
- iOS: Fixed issue with loading local images to PDF document
- Updated README.md
- iOS: Changed string encoding to utf-8
- Updated README
- Android: Changed location temporary generated pdf file
- iOS: Added WKWebView cache clear
- Updated example app
- Initial release