This project contains end-to-end upgrade tests run for the Kyma upgrade plan on CI. The tests are written in Go. The framework allows you to define two actions:
- Preparing the data
- Running tests against the prepared data
To set up the project, use these tools:
Run end-to-end upgrade tests for the Kyma upgrade plan on Prow. The continuous integration flow looks as follows:
- Install Kyma from the latest release.
- Install the upgrade-test helm chart.
- Execute all TestDefinitions with the label
. - Upgrade the Kyma cluster.
- Execute all TestDefinitions with the label
Use the following environment variables to configure the application:
Name | Required | Default | Description |
A parameter that sets the logging level in an application. The possible values are debug , info , warn , warning , error , fatal , and panic . |
APP_KUBECONFIG_PATH | NO | None | A path to the kubeconfig file needed to run an application outside of the cluster. |
A maximum concurrency level used for running tests. |
APP_TESTING_ADDONS_URL | YES | None | An external link to testing addons. |
APP_WORKING_NAMESPACE | No | e2e-upgrade-test |
A Namespace in which the test is run. |
APP_TESTS_INFO_CONFIG_MAP_NAME | No | upgrade-tests-info |
A name of a ConfigMap in which the upgrade test framework stores information about passed tests. |
Use the following flags to configure the application:
Name | Required | Description |
action | YES | Defines what kind of action to execute. The possible values are prepareData and executeTests . |
verbose | NO | Prints logs for all tests. |
testName | NO | Limit test execution to the given test. If not specified, all tests will be executed. |
See the example:
go run main.go --action prepareData --verbose
NOTE: The following approach for adding new tests to the upgrade scenario is not needed anymore. To prepare data during the preparation phase, create a new TestDefinition that executes your preparation code and add the label
. To execute evaluation code during the evaluation phase, create a new TestDefinition with the
This section presents how to add and run a new test. It also describes how to verify the code and ensure that your test is correct.
Add a new test under the pkg/tests/{domain-name}
directory and implement the following interface:
UpgradeTest interface {
CreateResources(stop <-chan struct{}, log logrus.FieldLogger, namespace string) error
TestResources(stop <-chan struct{}, log logrus.FieldLogger, namespace string) error
In each method, the framework injects the following parameters:
- stop - a channel called when the application shutdown is requested. Use it to gracefully shutdown your test.
- log - a logger used when you need additional logging in your test. Logged data is printed only if a given method fails.
- namespace - a space created for you by the framework.
This interface allows you to easily register the test in the main.go
file by adding a new entry in the test map:
// Register tests. Convention:
// {test-name} : {test-instance}
// Using map is intentional - we ensure that test name is not duplicated.
// Test name is sanitized and used for creating dedicated Namespace for a given test
// so that it doesn't overlap with others.
tests := map[string]runner.UpgradeTest{
"YourTestName": yourpkg.NewTest(),
See the example test here.
NOTE: If your test operates on Kubernetes resources, ensure that RBAC rules are updated in the upgrade Helm chart.
Run the application without building a binary file. To do so:
Prepare the upgrade data:
kubectl create configmap tests-info -n kyma-system env APP_WORKING_NAMESPACE=kyma-system APP_TESTS_INFO_CONFIG_MAP_NAME=tests-info APP_KUBECONFIG_PATH=/Users/$USER/.kube/config APP_LOGGER_LEVEL=debug APP_TESTING_ADDONS_URL="" go run main.go --action prepareData --testName $YOURTESTNAME
Run tests:
env APP_WORKING_NAMESPACE=kyma-system APP_TESTS_INFO_CONFIG_MAP_NAME=tests-info APP_KUBECONFIG_PATH=/Users/$USER/.kube/config APP_LOGGER_LEVEL=debug APP_TESTING_ADDONS_URL="" go run main.go --action executeTests --testName $YOURTESTNAME
For the description of the available environment variables, see this section.
Run the application using Helm:
Prepare the upgrade data:
helm install --name e2e-test-upgrade --namespace {namespace} ./chart/upgrade/ --wait --tls
Run preparation phase:
kyma test run -l
Run evaluation phase:
kyma test run -l
Telepresence allows you to run tests locally while connecting a service to a remote Kubernetes cluster. It is helpful when the test needs access to other services in a cluster.
Run tests:
env APP_KUBECONFIG_PATH=/Users/$USER/.kube/config APP_LOGGER_LEVEL=debug APP_TESTING_ADDONS_URL="" telepresence --run go run main.go --action executeTests --testName $YOURTESTNAME --verbose
Use the make verify
command to test your changes before each commit. To build an image, use the make build-image
command with DOCKER_PUSH_REPOSITORY and DOCKER_PUSH_DIRECTORY variables, for example: DOCKER_PUSH_DIRECTORY=/kyma-project/develop make build-image
The repository has the following structure:
├── chart # The Helm chart for deploying the upgrade test application
├── internal # The internal source code of the upgrade test framework
├── pkg # The directory which contains all secondary Go packages
│ └── tests # The package where upgrade tests are defined. Put your test here.
├── vendor # Dep-managed dependencies
├── main.go # The entrypoint for upgrade test runner
├── Gopkg.toml # A dep manifest
└── Gopkg.lock # A dep lock which is generated automatically. Do not edit it.