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This game is a rogue-like game that uses the libtcod library and is loosely based on the python rogue-like tutorial.

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Python Rogue-like Game using TCOD lib

kwoolter 🐒 ©️ 2020


This game is a rogue-like game that uses the libtcod library and is loosely based on the python rogue-like tutorial.


new character exploring
inventory character


  • F1 help on controls available from current screen
  • Page Up and Page Down - change font size

Game Ready Screen

  • N create a new character
  • ENTER or SPACE to start the game
  • Esc quit the game

Create New Character Screen

  • N change player's name
  • C change player's class
  • ENTER or SPACE confirm class selection
  • Esc exit screen

Game Playing Screen

  • Arrow keys - move and attack enemy
  • G or SPACE get an item
  • Q or U use item currently equipped in Item slot
  • Z skip turn
  • C character screen
  • R inventory screen
  • ENTER or X travel down stairs
  • Esc pause game

Game Paused Screen

  • Q quit the game
  • Esc continue playing game

Inventory Screen

  • E equip an item
  • Q or U use an item
  • F drop an item
  • Esc or R exit screen

Character Screen

  • Arrow keys or WASD - change selected ability
  • L or E level-up and increase selected ability
  • Esc exit screen

Shop Screen

  • E or B switch to Buy tab
  • Q or V switch to Sell tab
  • Up and down arrow keys or W and S- change selected item
  • ENTER or SPACE buy/sell the selected item
  • Left and Right arrow keys or A and D - change item category in Buy tab
  • Esc exit screen

Game Over Screen

  • ENTER - continue to Game Ready Screen


What is a rogue-like game?

What is the libtcod library?

What is the Python rogue-like tutorial?

What is this game again?????


  • Random dungeon floor generation with more rooms per floor as you get deeper
  • Field of View (FoV) lighting
  • "Fog of War" unexplored map
  • Random enemies in each room that scale as you go deeper
  • Random items scattered across the floor with probability governed by game rules
  • Potions and Scrolls have randomised effects
  • Random colour palettes and room names for dungeon levels
  • DnD-like classes, abilities, monsters and combat rules
  • DnD-like armour, weapons and other items
  • DnD-like ability checks
  • Inventory and Shop features
  • Perma-death

The Game Design

Package Structure


  • roguelike
    • model - modules containing the classes for the game, floors, entities, etc.
    • view - modules containing the classes for all of the views
    • controller - main control loop
  • tutorial directory - how I started out following the python tutorial

model package

  • - main module that contains Model, Floor, Room, Tunnel classes
  • - contains Entity, EntityFactory, Player, Fighter, Inventory classes
  • - contains CombatEquipment, CombatEquipmentFactory, CombatClass, CombatClassFactory classes
  • - all of the event names used in the game
  • data directory - data files for the game
    • entities.csv - all of the game objects and their properties
    • combat_equipment.csv- more properties for entities that are armour or weapons
    • combat_classes.csv - the different types of fighter classes and their abilities
    • game_parameters.csv - the rules of how the game scales in difficulty
    • ability_checks.csv - which items can you perform an ability check on and what are the outcomes for success and failure

view package

  • - main module that contains MainFrame, FloorView and other UI View related classes
  • - utility classes for drawing stuff on a console
  • fonts directory - different font files that can be used with libtcod
  • screenshots directory - screenshots of the game in action

controller package

  • - main game loop, keyboard event handling, orchestration of game states and UI states


  • Python 3
  • tcod - creating and writing to consoles, keyboard events, colours, field of view (FOV) calculations, etc.
  • numpy - floor maps and properties. Also used by tcod library for FOV calculations
  • pandas - used for loading in csv files that hold the game data e.g. entities, combat items, etc.
  • pygame - only used for the Rect class

How Does The Game's Difficulty Scale?

Basic Concept

The Entity objects that appear in the game have a count and probability metric defined either for the current Floor or for each individual Room on the Floor.
For example, what is the maximum number of rats that you want to add to a room and what is the probability of each rat successfully being added? You may want at most 3 rats per room each with a 50% probability.

So in the game, for a given metric y you can specify how it is calculated using this formula:

y = a*x + b + (x//d) * ad

Where x is the dungeon level that you are currently on and a, b, d and ad are parameters defined for each metric.

So breaking this up, y = a*x + b is the simple formula for any straight line plotted on an xy axis. a represents the slope of the line and b is the y intercept. However, you may want an increasing number of rats at lower dungeon levels but no rats beyond level 10. To support this you can add (or subtract) x DIV d multiplied by a different slope. So if you want no rats to appear after level 10 you can specific (x DIV 10) * -100.

Furthermore, you can constrain y by specifying minimum and maximum values.
This means you can cap the number of rats per room at say 4 but at a minimum always attempt to add 1.

Pulling all of this together you end up with the following lines of code to calculate y:

        # Calculate y = a*x + b + (x div d)*ad applying min and max constraints
        result = a*xvalue + b
        result += (ad * (xvalue//d))
        result = min(max(result, min_), max_)

An example visualisation of this is shown in the graph below where the orange line is y = ax + b, the blue line is (x div d) * ad and the grey line is y which is the sum of these two lines with a maximum and minimum applied (4 and 0 respectively).

Using this basic concept you can create interesting curves for count and probability for each Entity in the game.

game_parameters.csv file

This file defines the count and probability for each entity that you want to appear in the game's rooms or floors.


  • Entity - the name of the entity you want to define a metric for e.g. Rat
  • Metric - which metric are you defining e.g. Count or Probability?
  • Scope - what scope is the metric for e.g. Room or Floor?
  • x - what is the name of the variable that you want to substitute as x into the model - typically Level
  • a - slope
  • b - y intercept
  • d - x DIV value
  • ad - x DIV value slope
  • min - the minimum value of y
  • max - the maximum value of y
  • Template - use a template instead of a,b,d,ad values

Use templates for when you want to share Count or Probability curves across multiple types of Entity

entities.csv file

Each Entity in the game needs to be defined as a row in this file.


  • Name - the short name of the Entity used in other property files e.g. combat_equipment.csv
  • Description - a description of the Entity used when it is displayed in text messages
  • Char - the character used to represent the Entity on the game FloorView
  • Category - group entities together by category
  • FG - foreground colour
  • BG - background colour
  • Zorder - order of display in descending order i.e. 0 is draw last
  • IsTransparent - does light shine through it?
  • IsWalkable - can you walk onto the same tile as it?
  • IsInteractable - can you interact with it?
  • IsCollectable - can you pick it up and put it in your inventory?
  • IsStackable - can you stack many of the same item?
  • IsEquippable - can you equip it as a weapon or armour?
  • IsCheckable - can the player perform an ability check on it?
  • IsEnemy - is it an enemy of the Player?
  • Value - how much is it worth?

Adding new Entities

The process for adding new types of Entity to the game is as follows:-

  1. Add a new row to entities.csv
  2. Add 2 new rows to game_parameters.csv; one for generating Count and one for Probability metrics
  3. If the new Entityis a piece of CombatEquipment then add a new row to combat_equipment.csv
  4. If you can ability check the Entity then add a new row to ability_checks.csv

Useful Links

libtcod Documentation

Tutorial on writing a game using libtcod

Fonts that you can load into libtcod

libtcod pre-defined colours


This game is a rogue-like game that uses the libtcod library and is loosely based on the python rogue-like tutorial.







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