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Useful Libs and Tools

Description Repo/Link
AWS CIDR Finder aws-samples/aws-cidr-finder
AWS IP Ranges aws-samples/awsipranges
AWS Network Firewall CFN templates aws-samples/aws-networkfirewall-cfn-templates
Non Routable Secondary CIDR Patterns aws-samples/non-routable-secondary-vpc-cidr-patterns
Serverless Transit Network Orchestrator awslabs/serverless-transit-network-orchestrator
TGW (Transit Gateway) Migrator Tool TGW Migrator Tool
TGW Route Limits Monitoring aws-samples/how-to-monitor-tgw-route-limits-using-serverless-architecture
TGW to solve overlapping CIDRs aws-samples/aws-transit-gateway-overlapping-cidrs
Visual Fn.Cidr tool kyhau/visual-subnet-tools
Visual subnet calculator kyhau/visual-subnet-tools

Useful Articles and Blog Posts

Other Tools

  • Cheat Sheet on Curl Performance Metrics: how to benchmark server latency with curl
    time_namelookup: how long DNS lookup took (translating domain name to IP address)
    time_connect: how long TCP handshake took (done by both HTTP and HTTPS)
    time_appconnect: how long SSL handshake took (only for HTTPS)
    time_redirect: how long the redirect took. It is 0 if there is no redirect. Need “-L” flag in curl to redirect.
    time_pretransfer: This is essentially an alias for either time_appconnect or time_connect (depending on HTTP or HTTPS). It is only useful as a delineator of when the specific request to the server has begun.
    time_starttransfer: This is when the server is ready to deliver bytes. Same as TTFB (Time To First Byte). It includes time_pretransfer, just subtract time_pretransfer from the time_starttransfer to get the amount of time spent in this phase
    time_total: The total time of the entire curl call. Calculate time_total - time_starttransfer to get the data transfer (a.k.a. download) time.


    # iftop reports the bandwidth used by individual connections
    # it cannot report the process name/id involved in the particular socket connection.
    # The n option prevents iftop from resolving ip addresses to hostname, which causes additional network traffic of its own.
    sudo iftop -n
    sudo iptraf
