This is a basic Cordova Application template with Polymer 1.0 UI Framework, available to run as a webpage, Android app or iOS app. Web template based on PolymerElements/polymer-starter-kit.
- Polymer, Paper, Iron, and Neon elements
- Material Design layout
- Routing with Page.js
nodejs, npm, bower, cordova
cd www
bower install
cd ..
cordova platform add <platform>
cordova run <platform>
- Supports only Android 4.4 and up (polyfill requirement for webview)
iOS build haven't tested yet
- Add webview framework to solve webview incompabilities (but will add 20-30 MB to apk size)
- Better app flow
- Add polymer-starter-kit icon
- Compression/vulcanize (may solve polyfill requirement?)
- Test the possibility of using Platinum SW Element
- Make tests in www/test works