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FiskalHR Go is a Go library designed for Croatian fiscalization (fiskalizacija). The goal of this library is to provide a well-maintained, efficient, and hassle-free solution with embedded certificates for checking signatures, making it easy to use. Based on "Fiskalizacija" specification v2.5
Note: This project is currently a work in progress and alpha stage and not feature complete, not recommended in production but coming soon.
While there are numerous open-source implementations of Croatian fiscalization libraries available, they tend to focus on other programming languages. However, after some research, it became clear that an open-source solution in Go (Golang) is hard to come by. To fill this gap, we're developing a pure Go open-source Croatian fiscalization library (package). So here we Go! ;)
- Process and send invoices to CIS (Croatian Tax Administration) for compliance the law.
- Handle and verify responses from CIS.
- Non-intrusive to the host application, leaving business logic entirely to the host.
- Parse and verify embedded certificates.
- Parse and verify client P12 certificate.
- Suitable for single tenant and multitenant application
- Suitable for any type of application (web service, web app, desktop)
- Extract and return certificate details such as public key, issuer, subject, serial number, and validity period.
- Helper function to get data for QR code (that can be passed to a QR code generator of your choice)
In your project root get the module
go get github.com/l-d-t/fiskalhrgo
Minimal simple example of CIS ping using the EchoRequest and get some cert info.
Send a simple minimal invoice, get the JIR
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new FiskalEntity
fiskalEntity, err := NewFiskalEntity(
"12345678901", // OIB
true, // sustavPDV
"Location1", // locationID, if not DEMO MODE have to be registered
// with ePorezna
true, // centralized invoice numbers
true, // demoMode, if true expected a valid Fiskal demo
// certificate
true, // chk_expired
"cert.p12", // certPath
"password", // certPassword
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create FiskalEntity: %v", err)
errPing := fiskalEntity.PingCIS()
if errPing != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to make Ping request: %v", err)
// Get certificate basic info
if fiskalEntity.IsExpiringSoon() {
fmt.Println("WARNING: Certificate is expiring soon")
fmt.Printf("Certificate expires in %d days",
// Display certificate info
invoice, zki, err := fiskalEntity.NewCISInvoice(
uint(1236), // invoice number
uint(1), // register id number
[][]interface{}{ // PDV
{"25.00", "1000.00", "250.00"},
nil, // PNP
nil, // Other taxes
"0.00", // total amount of exemptions on the issued invoice.
// Exemptions in cases where goods are delivered or services are
// provided that are exempt from VAT payment.
"0.00", // amount subject to the special margin taxation procedure
// if exist
"0.00", // total amount not subject to taxation on the issued invoice.
// This information is submitted to the Tax Administration only
// if there is an amount on the invoice that is not subject to
// taxation.
nil, // naknade
"1250.00", // total
"G", // payment method G - cash, K - credit card, T -
// transfer, O - other, C - check (deprecated)
"12345678901", // operator OIB
false, // late delivery, if previous attempt failed but the
// invoice was issued with just ZKI
"", // receipt book number, if the invoicing system was
// unusable and the invoice was issued manually, the
// number of the receipt book
"", // unused, reserved field for future or temporary
// unexpected use by the CIS, should be empty
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create invoice: %v", err)
// Display the ZKI
fmt.Println("ZKI: ", zki)
// At this point, the application can save the ZKI with the invoice and
// commit those changes. An invoice is valid with just ZKI and can be
// issued even if the next step fails and there is no JIR. But in that case,
// the process has to be repeated with the same identical data within 48h
// with the flag for late delivery set to true. A valid JIR has to be added
// within 48h to an invoice with just ZKI. It is recommended to save the
// serial of the certificate used to generate it for future reference. You
// can get the cert serial with fiskalEntity.GetCertSERIAL().
// Display the invoice
// NOW we should have a saved invoice with a valid ZKI and we are ready to
// send the invoice to the CIS
// Send test invoice to CIS with InvoiceRequest
jir, zkiR, err := fiskalEntity.InvoiceRequest(invoice)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to send invoice: %v", err)
// Display the JIR and ZKI
fmt.Println("JIR: ", jir)
fmt.Println("ZKI: ", zkiR)
// At this point the application can save the JIR with the invoice and
// commit those changes,
// Display/send/print the invoice to the user with all elements required by
// law
For commercial support, long-term maintenance contracts, and/or consulting or development services, contact LDT or send an email to [email protected].
Custom commercial versions for your specific needs in Go or other technologies (C, Zig, Rust, Python, PHP, Mojo, OCaml, Swift, Objective-C) or for specific platforms or embedded devices are also possible. Full custom (or not) business/invoicing/erp commercial solutions either as a product or SaaS are also possible.
If you are interested in sponsoring the project as a company or individual, contact us at [email protected].
Contributors are welcome! You can contribute to the development in the following ways:
- Testing
- Reporting issues
- Writing documentation
- Translating documentation
- Submitting pull requests for new features or improving existing ones (recommended to contact and consult before doing the work)
Your contribution is invaluable and helps us create a better product for the community.