This is how you can run multiple versions of python on your system.
Please substitute py3.6 for the most up to date python version and py2.7.13 for the most current py2 version.
- download and install python 3 from anaconda
conda create -n py3.6
conda search python
- locate the most recent version of python 2. At this writing it was 2.7.13
conda create -n py2.7.13 python=2.7.13
now you can "activate" either python3 or python2 by typing"
source activate py2.7.13
for python 2source activate py3.6
for python 3
and deactivate by typing
source deactivate
for each
Make sure to activate python3
source activate py3.6
set up your mirror or "channel" for downloading packages
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels anaconda
search for a package
conda search biopython
install a package
conda install -n py3.6 biopython=1.70
To list your environments
conda info --envs
If the package you want to install is not found by the conda search
or the most recent version is not present and you need to install with pip
source activate py3.6
pip install package