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NGS Workshop Tutorial

To See answers to the below questions, go to Jessen's the answers branch of his repo.

NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, example command lines are available in this workshop's lecture notes

  1. First, install the gnuplot command line plotting software using HomeBrew:

    brew install gnuplot
  2. Download the sofware required for this tutorial using wget from Unarchive the files by typing tar -xzvf software.tar.gz. Finally, add the software/bin directory to your $PATH environment variable:

    export PATH=$PWD/software/bin:$PATH;

    NOTE: You need to replaced $PWD above with the full, expanded path the the software/bin dir if you put the export statement in your .bash_profile or .bashrc.

  3. Download the genome and annotation files using wget and decompress them both with gunzip.

  4. Index the genome as described in the lecture notes.

  5. Download the reads with SRR number SRR10178655 from the SRA and convert to FASTQ format:

    # Fetch the .sra container file from the SRA FTP:
    # Use SRA Toolkit to extract the reads in FASTQ format:
    fastq-dump --gzip --split-files --defline-seq '@$sn/$ri' --defline-qual '+' SRR10178655.sra
  6. Run FastQC on the FASTQ files and examine the report (see fastqc --help for a complete list of options).

    • How many read pairs are in included in the FASTQ file?
    • How long are the reads?
    • What quality encoding are the reads in? What is the quality offset?
    • For which metrics are there warnings?
    • Are there any over-represented sequences in the file? If so, what is it?
  7. Next, run the Trimmomatic adapter trimmer on the FASTQ files in "PE" mode, using this adapter file. What fraction of the data were discarded? NOTE: Trimmomatic is in it's own subdirectory sofware/Trimmomatic-0.39/trimmomatic-0.39.jar.

  8. Align the reads to the genome sequence using BWA-MEM. Convert the file to BAM format, sort the BAM file, and index it (see lecture notes for how).

  9. Now, Run GATK's MarkDuplicates tool on the BAM file to identify optical and PCR duplicate reads.

  10. Run samtools stats and plot-bamstats on the BAM file and examine the results.

    • What is the mode insert size of the sequencing library?
    • What is the estimated read base-call error rate?
    • What fraction of your reads are duplicates?
    • Within which base quality score range do the majority of mismatches occur? (HINT: see the "Mismatches per cycle" plot). Record the upper value of the range to use as the minimum base quality threshold for variant calling a later step.
  11. Use samtools view to keep alignments with PAIRED and PROPER_PAIR flags AND DO NOT contain UNMAP, MUNMAP, SECONDARY, QCFAIL, DUP, or SUPPLEMENTARY flags; write the output as a BAM file. Index this new file with SAMtools (HINT: see samtools flags for help with flags). Be sure to index your filtered BAM file.

  12. Using the base quality score determined in Step 10 as the minimum base quality threshold, call SNPs using the GATK HaplotypeCaller.

  13. Use the samtools depth command to calculate the per-site depth of reads in the genome (see samtools depth --help for more info). The output file contains three columns: the chromosome name, position (1-based), and depth. For example:

    chrI	1	15
    chrI	2	15
    chrI	3	14
    chrI	4	16
    chrI	5	16
  14. Write a script that computes a text histogram of depth with output similar to the following:

     1 |                                        
     2 |]                                       
     3 |]]                                      
     4 |]]]]]                                   
     5 |]]]]]]]]                                
     6 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]                           
     7 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  
     8 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
     9 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]             
    10 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]                         
    11 |]]]]]]]]]                               
    12 |]]]]]                                   
    13 |]                                       
    14 |]                                       
    15 |                                        
  15. Filter SNPs and Indels for variant loci within the center 95% of the depth distribution (use your distribution from above; estimating by eye is fine). To filter loci, use VCFtools:

    vcftools --recode --recode-INFO-all --stdout --max-missing 1 --minDP <lower-threshold> --maxDP <upper-threshold> --vcf <your.vcf> >your.filtered.vcf
  16. Finally, how many of these SNPs and Indels intersect CDS features? (HINT: extract CDS features into a new GFF3 file and use bedtools intersect to do this to extract unique SNP loci).

BONUS: Try loading the genome FASTA, annotation GFF3, and filtered SNPs into IGV

  • Open IGV
  • Navigate through Genomes => Load Genomes from File... and select the genome FASTA file.
  • Navigate File => Load from File... and load a VCF/GFF3/BED file.