Relax and find insights.
- Install in venv
python -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.lock
- Put creds in
- Install rye — yet another package manager, but from the creators of ruff:
curl -sSf | bash
- Install env
rye sync
- Install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
- Put creds in
- Run tests:
rye run pytest
- Test from swagger docs:
- Migrate to LLM framework (LangChain/HayStack)
- Automatic evaluation pipeline using LLM framework (too much to implement myself)
- Performance benchmarks
- Caching generated summaries and transcripts
- Divide backend and frontend into distinct packages
- Retrieve relevant YouTube data for the frontend without directly using the internal backend code
- Fetch more comments, not only "relevant" ones for more insightful analysis
- Maybe need to use