Inspried by StatsD, an embedable library that will automatically watch your process from a single function call and will stop when your process stops. No need to externally start a process to watch and send stats. Its efficient and simple and easy to use is 100% the goal of this project.
To compile and setup the system:
$ autoreconf --force --install
$ ./configure CC=clang/gcc CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall" --prefix=/opt/watchy
$ make
$ make install
To compile using the library use:
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/watchy/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
$ pkg-config watchy --cflags --libs
Now the shared library is installed
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ # the python will create the cython module but it requires pkg-config watchy to work
$ python build
$ # sudo -E so it will export PKG_CONFIG_PATH
$ sudo -E python install
Firstly you should setup the server open /etc/watchy/watchy.cfg
web_bind = # address to bind to for web app
web_port = 7777 # port to serve the web app
stats_bind = localhost # stats aggregator bind
stats_port = 7878 # stats aggregator port
backends = none # This is in progress to store stats
Now you can run the web app:
$ /usr/local/bin/ --help
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Print version
-l LOGFILE, --logfile=LOGFILE
Ouput logfile
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
Config file location
-F, --fork Fork as daemon
-N NAME, --name=NAME Logging name
-d, --debug Verbose Debugging on of off
$ /usr/local/bin/ -F -N watchy1 -l ./watchy-server.log -c /etc/watchy/watchy.cfg
$ tail -f watchy-server.log
[watchy1] INFO * Running on
[watchy1] INFO Starting StatsAggregator on localhost:7878
$ kill pid
Now you should be able to point your browser to http://localhost:7777, this is a python flask web application. A /etc/init.d script would be nice here, and a way to run it via nginx or apache etc for a more real setup.
Sending stats can be done via:
$ /opt/watchy/bin/watcher -k `hostname` -b localhost -p 7878 process1:<pid> process2:<pid>
Or you can tail a log:
$ tail -f /var/log/syslog | /opt/watchy/bin/wtail -k syslog -p 7878 -b localhost
##Platform Support
Currently the python server should run on anywhere that has flask and python 2.7, but the library has only been ported to darwin (Mac OSX) and linux (Ubuntu/RedHat).
*BSD and Solaris support is eventually going to pop along.
The Flask web app exposes a very simple rest api, a web socket api is planned for real time stats per node. All rest calls are json no xml support.
- http://host:port/api/{process/hosts/logs}/keys - Get all node key names
- http://host:port/api/{process/hosts/logs}/data/, Get the current session raw data
- http://host:port/api/{process/hosts}/graph/, Get the current session graph data
The web socket api is going to be very useful here and a zeromq a rabbit amqp backend too.