Clojure wrapper for Apache DBCP to create JDBC connections pools.
This code is rewritten from scratch to clean up the older versions residing here:
The supported databases are:
- Supported and tested
- Apache Derby, Axion, HSQLDB, H2, Mckoi, SQLite
- Supported but not tested
- Regular ODBC DSN, Lite ODBC DSN (eg. MS-Excel workbooks)
- CUBRID, Firebird, MySQL, MonetDB, PostgreSQL
- IBM DB2, jTDS (SQL Server, Sybase), Oracle, SapDB, SQLServer, Sybase
This library is not on Clojars yet.
Include dependencies as [clj-dbcp "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"]
The recommended way to create a datasource is to call the
function, for example:
(make-datasource {:adapter :mysql :host 'localhost :database 'empdb})
(make-datasource :mysql {:host 'localhost :database 'empdb})
Sections below describe which of the keys are applicable to various databases:
:adapter |
Required keys | Desired keys |
:jdbc |
:classname :jdbc-url |
:val-query |
:subprotocol |
:classname :subname |
:val-query |
:adapter |
Required keys | Optional keys |
:jndi |
:context |
:odbc |
:dsn |
:lite? |
:odbc-lite |
:dsn |
Database | :adapter |
:target |
Required keys | Optional keys |
Axion | :axiondb |
:memory |
:database |
:filesys |
:database :db-path |
Derby | :derby |
:memory |
:database |
:filesys |
:database |
:classpath |
:database |
:jar |
:jar-path :database |
:network |
:host :database |
:port |
H2 | :h2 |
:memory |
:database |
:filesys |
:database |
:network |
:host :database |
:port |
HSQLDB | :hsqldb |
:memory |
:database |
:filesys |
:database |
:network |
:host :database |
:port |
Mckoi | :mckoi |
:database |
SQLite | :sqlite |
:memory |
:filesys |
:database |
Database | :adapter |
Required keys | Optional keys |
CUBRID | :cubrid |
:host :database |
:port |
Firebird | :firebird |
:host :database |
:port |
SQL Server (jTDS) | :jtds-sqlserver |
:host :database |
:port |
Sybase (jTDS) | :jtds-sybase |
:host :database |
:port |
MonetDB | :monetdb |
:host :database |
:port |
MySQL | :mysql |
:host :database |
:port |
PostgreSQL | :postgresql |
:host :database |
:port |
Database | :adapter |
Required keys | Optional keys |
IBM DB2 | :db2 |
:host :database |
:port |
Oracle | :oracle |
:host :database /:system-id |
:port |
SapDB | :sapdb |
:host :database |
:port |
SQL Server | :sqlserver |
:host :instance :port |
Sybase | :sybase |
:host |
:port :database |
A typical CRUD example using Derby database is below:
(:require [clj-dbcp.core :as dbcp]
[ :as sql]))
(def db-derby ;; an in-memory database instance
{:adapter :derby :target :memory :database :empdb})})
(defn crud
(let [table :emp
orig-record {:id 1 :name "Bashir" :age 40}
updt-record {:id 1 :name "Shabir" :age 50}
drop-table #(sql/do-commands "DROP TABLE emp")
retrieve-fn #(sql/with-query-results rows
["SELECT * FROM emp WHERE id=?" 1]
(first rows))]
(sql/with-connection db-derby
;; drop table if pre-exists
(try (drop-table)
(catch Exception _)) ; ignore exception
;; create table
;; insert
(sql/insert-values table (keys orig-record) (vals orig-record))
;; retrieve
(println (retrieve-fn))
;; update
(sql/update-values table ["id=?" 1] updt-record)
;; drop table
You need Java 7 and Leiningen 2 to build this code. Testing JDBC-ODBC bridge driver requires that you use a Windows machine with ODBC DSNs configured.
Starting up the swank server (if you are going to work using Emacs/Slime):
$ lein2 dev swank
Testing against the dev version:
$ lein2 dev test
Testing across several versions of Clojure:
$ lein2 all test
On GMail: kumar.shantanu(at)
On Twitter: @kumarshantanu
Copyright © 2012 Shantanu Kumar
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.