- Figure out which version of PHP you are using and whether thread safety is enabled.
- Go to http://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/archives/ and download the php-devel-pack for your version and thread safety.
- Extract the contents to the \dependencies\php\ subdirectory of this directory. You should have this directory structure now:
- Open cphalcon.sln in Visual Studio 2008
- Select configuration that matches your thread safety
- Build and enjoy
In the /win32/scripts directory, there is an update-project.bat batch file that will scan the /dev directory and update cphalcon.vproj.
Do not edit the files in the /release directory. Instead edit the files in the dev directory. When you want to build the release config, run the create-release-src-files.bat batch file in /win32/scripts. That will rejoin (almost) all the files in /dev and create the files in /release.