NPM Repository JSFiddle Example Emoji Example
You can use the CDN version of this plugin for fast and easy setup.
<script src=""></script>
This include the core typewriter library, which can be used directly through the API.
See examples in the 'examples' folder.
import Typewriter from 'typewriter-effect/dist/core';
new Typewriter('#typewriter', {
strings: ['Hello', 'World'],
autoStart: true,
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
strings | String or Array | null | Strings to type out when using autoStart option |
cursor | String | Pipe character | String value to use as the cursor. |
delay | 'natural' or Number | 'natural' | The delay between each key when typing. |
deleteSpeed | 'natural' or Number | 'natural' | The delay between deleting each character. |
loop | Boolean | false | Whether to keep looping or not. |
autoStart | Boolean | false | Whether to autostart typing strings or not. You are required to provide strings option. |
pauseFor | Number | 1500 | The pause duration after a string is typed when using autostart mode |
devMode | Boolean | false | Whether or not to display console logs. |
skipAddStyles | Boolean | Skip adding default typewriter css styles. | |
wrapperClassName | String | 'Typewriter__wrapper' | Class name for the wrapper element. |
cursorClassName | String | 'Typewriter__cursor' | Class name for the cursor element. |
stringSplitter | Function | String splitter function, can be used to split emoji's | |
onStringTyped | Function | null | Callback function, is run after each string is passed to the internal event loop for typing. |
onCreateTextNode | Function | null | Callback function to replace the internal method which creates a text node for the character before adding it to the DOM. Must return a HTML Node element or default will be used |
All methods can be chained together.
Name | Params | Description |
start | - | Start the typewriter effect. |
stop | - | Stop the typewriter effect. |
pauseFor | ms Time to pause for in milliseconds |
Pause for milliseconds |
typeString | string String to type out, it can contain HTML tags |
Type out a string using the typewriter effect. |
pasteString | string String to paste out, it can contain HTML tags |
Paste out a string. |
deleteAll | speed Speed to delete all visibles nodes, can be number or 'natural' |
Delete everything that is visible inside of the typewriter wrapper element. |
deleteChars | amount Number of characters |
Delete and amount of characters, starting at the end of the visible string. |
callFunction | cb Callback, thisArg this Object to bind to the callback function |
Call a callback function. The first parameter to the callback elements which contains all DOM nodes used in the typewriter effect. |
changeDeleteSpeed | speed Number or 'natural' |
The speed at which to delete the characters, lower number is faster. |
changeDelay | delay Number or 'natural' |
Change the delay when typing out each character |
var app = document.getElementById('app');
var typewriter = new Typewriter(app, {
loop: true,
delay: 75,
.typeString('A simple yet powerful native javascript')
.typeString('<strong>JS</strong> plugin for a cool typewriter effect and ')
.typeString('<strong>only <span style="color: #27ae60;">5kb</span> Gzipped!</strong>')
var app = document.getElementById('app');
var customNodeCreator = function(character) {
return document.createTextNode(character);
var typewriter = new Typewriter(app, {
loop: true,
delay: 75,
onCreateTextNode: customNodeCreator,
.typeString('A simple yet powerful native javascript')
This includes a React component which can be used within your project. You can pass in a onInit function which will be called with the instance of the typewriter so you can use the typewriter core API.
import Typewriter from 'typewriter-effect';
onInit={(typewriter) => {
typewriter.typeString('Hello World!')
.callFunction(() => {
console.log('String typed out!');
.callFunction(() => {
console.log('All strings were deleted');
Alternatively you can also pass in options to use auto play and looping for example:
import Typewriter from 'typewriter-effect';
strings: ['Hello', 'World'],
autoStart: true,
loop: true,