An Intelligent Web Application Firewall using Spark MLlib and k-means model.
The dataset is downloaded from CSIC 2010 HTTP Dataset
Training Set: The training set is composed of data labeled as normal and data labeled as anomaly. The data labeled as normal comes from the normalTrafficTraining.txt file and data labeled as anomaly comes from anomalyTrafficTest.txt file.
Testing Set: The validation set is composed of data labeled as normal and data labeled as anomaly. The data labeled as normal comes from normalTrafficTest.txt file and data labeled as anomaly comes from anomalousTrafficTest.txt file.
In order to obtain features with raw data as HTTP request, pre-processing is required. All strings
and information non numeric need to be transformed, RawHttpRequest
class allows it. After the
parsing of raw HTTP requests, toCsv
method permits to get back numerical values of each raw HTTP
request. To allow Spark to work on it, each RawHttpRequest
object created are saved to a CSV file.
3 files are created: one to train the model, one to validate it and last to test it. After these
first steps, it is possible to go in search of the best k-means model.
The model used is k-means and it is trained on normal dataset and anomaly dataset.
To obtain the best k-means model, several parameters must be tested in order to find the most suitable ones, an Estimator, Evaluator, ParamGridBuilder and TrainValidationSplit with allows it.
To have more details about this, you can read this guide
After training of the model, you can obtain some metrics that allow you to choose the good value for threshold.
To have more details about this, you can read this guide
After the definition of the model, these parameters and the threshold, you can predict if data are anomalies.
You can use
worksheets to run the application
with smaller datasets. Worksheet allows you to make the execution of application interactive.
To run them correctly, you need to set some parameters in IntelliJ IDEA, at Languages & Frameworks
section, Scala
, Worksheet
tab :
- uncheck
Run worksheet in the compiler process
- check
Use "eclispe comptability" mode
The code is organized to run as a Spark Application. To compile and run, go to folder Intelligent WAF and run:
sbt package
spark-submit --master local \
--class IntelligentWAF \
The --master local
argument means that the application will run in a single local process. If
the cluster is running a Spark standalone cluster manager, you can replace it with
--master spark://<master host>:<master port>
. If the cluster is running YARN, you can replace it
with --master yarn
To pass configuration options on the command line, use the --conf
option, e.g.
--conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
Some code tips were inspired by the following references
- Parsing raw HTTP Request by Igor Zelaya
- Machine Learning Library (MLlib) Guide