Run right now in your browser! This tool helps to combine iconic webfonts for your project. With fontomas you can:
- make a limited symbols subset, with reduced font size
- merge symbols from several sources to single file
- remap symbol codes & even make them compatible with book readers
No installation needed - only modern browser. Now it's trivial to customise fonts for your needs with 3 simple step. At first, you select needed symbols on source fonts. Then rearrange those on destination font. After that, you can download SVG font and make webpack via fontsquirrel generator or other services.
(*) Currently we support loading only SVG fonts & Cufon files. Other formats will be available, when we implement server-side scripts.
For your convenience, Fontomas comes with wonderful embedded iconic fonts:
- Entypo (rescaled) - (CC BY-SA license)
- Iconic - (SIL OFL)
- Web Symbols - (SIL OFL)
See details on fonts homepages. Of cause, you can add more fonts if you wish. Entypo is rescaled to ascent/descent, to have the same allignement as other fonts.
We like idea to use iconic fonts on web, and we try to make convenient font tools for end users. But we are not designers. If you can help us with creating high quality iconic fonts, please, contact [email protected] .
This progect is sponsored by Nodeca - open source forum software on node.js engine.
Fontomas code (all files, except fonts) is distributed under MIT licence. See LICENSE file for details.
Embedded fonts are distributed unter their primary licences (SIL OFL / CC BY-SA).
See section Embedded Fonts
above for credits & links to fonts homepages.
Generated fonts are intended for web usage, and should not be
considered/distributed as independed
artwork. Please, credit original font authors.
Credits to Fontomas not required :)