LEIA is a virtual asm created for some CS course. This project contain an assembly program, a simulator, and some basics assembly functions
This directory contains LEIA, the simulator for the ASR1 course @ENSL, year 2016. Authors : Pierre Oechsel and Guillaume Duboc, ENSL.
- a graphical simulator
- an assembly code
- examples
- the simulator needs the SDL2 graphical library (sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev)
- "make" will compile the simulator.
- python3 for the assembly
- python3 asm.py /path/to/example.s produces /path/to/example.obj
- then ./LEIA {-f,-s,-q} /path/to/example.obj
cd EX
python3 ../asm.py tp1-simple.s && ../LEIA -s tp1-simple.obj
python3 ../asm.py hello.s && ../LEIA -f hello.obj
The ISA of our asm is disponible here: http://perso.citi-lab.fr/fdedinec/enseignement/2016/isa2016.pdf