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Local Planner

Local Planner under ROS 1

Under ROS 1, the navigation stack provides a BaseLocalPlanner interface used by MoveBase. The BaseLocalPlanner component is expected to take a path and current position and produce a command velocity. The most commonly used implementation of the local planner uses the DWA algorithm, however, the Trajectory Rollout algorithm is also available in the ROS 1 navigation stack.

The navigation repository provides two implementations of the DWA algorithm: base_local_planner and dwa_local_planner. In addition, there is another DWA based planner in the Robot Navigation repository called DWB. The dwa_local_planner was meant to replace base_local_planner and provides a better DWA algorithm, but failed to provide the Trajectory Rollout algorithm, so was unable to completely replace base_local_planner.

DWB was meant to replace both the planners in the navigation repository and provides an implementation of both DWA and Trajectory Rollout.

Local Planner Structure

Migrating to ROS 2

Rather than continue with 3 overlapping implementations of DWA, the DWB planner was chosen to use as the standard local planner.

The advantages of DWB were:

  • it was designed with backwards compatibility with the other controllers
  • it was designed with clear extension points and modularity

Changes to DWB

For the most part, the DWB codebase is unchanged, other than what was required for ROS2.

The main architectural change is due to the replacement of MoveBase by the FollowPath task interface.

ROS 1 DWB Structure

To support the new FollowPath task interface, the MoveBase adapter layer and nav_core2 interfaces were removed. They were replaced by an an alternate adapter between the FollowPath task interface and the DWBLocalPlanner component.

New local planner interface

For the local planner, the new task interface consist of initialization/destruction code and one core method - execute. This method gets called with the path produced by the global planner. The local planner keeps processing the path until:

  1. It reaches the goal.
  2. It gets a new plan which preempts the current plan.
  3. It fails to produce an adequate plan, in which case it fails and leaves it to the caller to hand off to a recovery behavior.

This is in contrast to the local planner in ROS1, where the local planner is queried at each iteration for a velocity command and the iteration and publishing of the command were handled by MoveBase

The new task interface looks something like this in pseudocode

TaskStatus execute(path)
    while (true) {
      auto pose = getRobotPose(pose2d);
      if (isGoalReached(pose)) {
      auto velocity = getTwist();
      auto cmd_vel_2d = planner_.computeVelocityCommands(pose, velocity);


  nav2_behavior_tree::FollowPathResult result;

  return TaskStatus::SUCCEEDED;

Future Plans

  • Port another planner to refine the interfaces to the planner and to the world model. There are not many local planners available for the navigation stack, it seems. However Time Elastic Band seems like an interesting possibility of the few that are out there, as it interprets the dynamic obstacles very differently. ros-navigation#202