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The Libra Developer Docs website was created with Docusaurus. FontAwesome icons were used under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.


You need Node >= 8.x and Yarn >= 1.5 in order to build the libra website.

Switch to the website dir from the project root and start the server:

cd website
yarn start

Open http://localhost:3000 (if doesn't automatically open).

Anytime you change the contents of the page, the page should auto-update.

Note that the above does not re-build the API reference (auto-generated by Rustdoc and Protogen). To generate these pages, you can run the following:


Generating a static build

To generate a static build of the website in the website/build directory, run

./scripts/ -b

Deploying for wider testing

zip -r website/build
scp -r website/build/ user@server:/path

on server:



The site is hosted on GitHub pages, via the gh-pages branch of the `website' GitHub repo.

The website is automatically built and published from CircleCI - see the config file for details.