FFI-based Ruby wrapper for the OpenKinect libfreenect library.
* ffi >= 0.5.0
(sudo)? gem install ffi-libfreenect
git clone http://github.com/jgrunzweig/ffi-libfreenect.git cd ffi-libfreenect (sudo)? gem install jeweler rake install
require 'freenect' ctx = Freenect.init() devs = ctx.num_devices STDERR.puts "Number of Kinects detected: #{devs}" unless devs > 0 STDERR.puts "Error: no kinect detected" exit 1 end STDERR.puts "Selecting device 0" dev = ctx.open_device(0) dev.set_led(:red) # play with the led dev.set_tilt_degrees(30) # tilt up to max sleep 1 dev.set_tilt_degrees(-30) # tilt down to max sleep 1 dev.set_tilt_degrees(0.0) # tilt back to center sleep 1 dev.set_led(:green) # play with the led # Actual video and depth capture work similarly to eachother. # But they're still both pretty un-sugary. # # Future versions will probably abstract this and try to make it more # ruby-ish. # # The example below shows how to write a single video frame to a PPM file. dev.depth_mode = Freenect.depth_mode(:medium, :depth_11bit)
dev.video_mode = Freenect.video_mode(:medium, :rgb)
dev.start_depth() dev.start_video() $snapshot_finished = nil STDERR.puts "Taking snapshot" dev.set_video_callback do |device, video, timestamp| if not $snapshot_finished fname = "%u.ppm" % timestamp STDERR.puts "Writing #{fname}" File.open(fname, "w") do |f| f.puts("P6 %d %d 255\n" % [ dev.video_mode.width, dev.video_mode.height ] )
f.write(video.read_string_length(dev.video_mode.bytes)) end
$snapshot_finished = true end end until $snapshot_finished break if (ctx.process_events < 0) end dev.set_led(:off) dev.stop_depth dev.stop_video dev.close ctx.close
Copyright © 2010 Josh Grunzweig & Eric Monti. See LICENSE.txt for details.