"If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." -- by Peter Drucker
In domain of Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR), people claim SOTA in research papers, in industrial PR articles. The claim of SOTA is problematic because:
- For industry, there is no objective and quantative benchmark on how these commercial APIs perform in real-life scenarios, at least in public domain.
- For academia, it is becoming harder today to compare ASR models due to the fragmentation of deep learning frameworks and speech toolkits.
- How are academic SOTA and industrial SOTA related ?
As above figure shows, SpeechIO leaderboard serves as an ASR benchmarking platform, by providing 3 components:
- TestSet Zoo:
- SpeechIO test sets: carefully curated by SpeechIO authors, crawled from publicly available sources(Youtube, TV programs, Podcast etc), covering various common acoustic scenarios(AM) and content domains(LM & vocabulary) that are familiar to the public, labeled by professional annotators with great cautions.
- open-sourced test sets: collected from all sorts of open-sourced datasets
- open for people who are willing to contribute their own test sets
- Model Zoo
- aggregates commercial ASR APIs (e.g. google, aws, baidu, alibaba, tencent, iflytek, etc)
- incorporate well-known open-sourced models
- open for people who are willing to share/publish their ASR models
- an open benchmarking pipeline:
- defines a simplest-possible contract on the format of test sets, recognition result etc.
- defines a simplest-possible benchmarking interface for model submitters
- a fully automated pipeline to perform
, leaderboard users don't need to write code.
With SpeechIO leaderboard, anyone can benchmark/reproduce/compare performances with arbitrary combinations between test-set zoo and model zoo, by simply filling a request form example form
Test Sets from Open-Sourced Dataset (ZH)
AISHELL-1_TEST | test set of AISHELL-1 |
AISHELL-2_IOS_TEST | test set of AISHELL-2 (iOS channel) |
AISHELL-2_ANDROID_TEST | test set of AISHELL-2 (Android channel) |
AISHELL-2_MIC_TEST | test set of AISHELL-2 (Microphone channel) |
SpeechIO Test Sets (ZH)
名称 Name |
场景 Scenario |
内容领域 Topic Domain |
时长 hours |
难度(1-5) Difficulty |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00000 | 接入调试集 For leaderboard submitter debugging |
视频会议、论坛演讲 video conference & forum speech |
经济、货币、金融 economy, currency, finance |
1.0 | ★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00001 | 新闻联播 | 新闻播报 TV News |
时政 news & politics |
9 | ★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00002 | 鲁豫有约 | 访谈电视节目 TV interview |
名人工作/生活 celebrity & film & music & daily |
3 | ★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00003 | 天下足球 | 专题电视节目 TV program |
足球 Sports & Football & Worldcup |
2.7 | ★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00004 | 罗振宇跨年演讲 | 会场演讲 Stadium Public Speech |
社会、人文、商业 Society & Culture & Business Trend |
2.7 | ★★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00005 | 李永乐老师在线讲堂 | 在线教育 Online Education |
科普 Popular Science |
4.4 | ★★★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00006 | 张大仙 & 骚白 王者荣耀直播 | 直播 Live Broadcasting |
游戏 Game |
1.6 | ★★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00007 | 李佳琪 & 薇娅 直播带货 | 直播 Live Broadcasting |
电商、美妆 Makeup & Online shopping/advertising |
0.9 | ★★★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00008 | 老罗语录 | 线下培训 Offline lecture |
段子、做人 Life & Purpose & Ethics |
1.3 | ★★★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00009 | 故事FM | 播客 Podcast |
人生故事、见闻 Ordinary Life Story Telling |
4.5 | ★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00010 | 创业内幕 | 播客 Podcast |
创业、产品、投资 Startup & Enterprenuer & Product & Investment |
4.2 | ★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00011 | 罗翔 刑法法考培训讲座 | 在线教育 Online Education |
法律 法考 Law & Lawyer Qualification Exams |
3.4 | ★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00012 | 张雪峰 考研线上小讲堂 | 在线教育 Online Education |
考研 高校报考 University & Graduate School Entrance Exams |
3.4 | ★★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00013 | 谷阿莫&牛叔说电影 | 短视频 VLog |
电影剪辑 Movie Cuts |
1.8 | ★★★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00014 | 贫穷料理 & 琼斯爱生活 | 短视频 VLog |
美食、烹饪 Food & Cooking & Gourmet |
1 | ★★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00015 | 单田芳 白眉大侠 | 评书 Traditional Podcast |
江湖、武侠 Kongfu Fiction |
2.2 | ★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00016 | 德云社相声演出 | 剧场相声 Theater Crosstalk Show |
包袱段子 Funny Stories |
1 | ★★★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00017 | 吐槽大会 | 脱口秀电视节目 Standup Comedy |
明星糗事 Celebrity Jokes |
1.8 | ★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00018 | 小猪佩奇 & 熊出没 | 少儿动画 Children Cartoon |
童话故事、日常 Fairy Tale |
0.9 | ★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00019 | CCTV5 NBA 比赛转播 | 体育赛事解说 Sports Game Live |
篮球、NBA NBA Game |
0.7 | ★★★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00020 | 篮球人物 | 纪录片 Documentary |
篮球明星、成长 NBA Super Stars' Life & History |
2.2 | ★★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00021 | 汽车之家 车辆评测 | 短视频 VLog |
汽车测评 Car benchmarks, Road driving test |
1.7 | ★★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00022 | 小艾大叔 豪宅带看 | 短视频 VLog |
房地产、豪宅 Realestate, Mansion tour |
1.7 | ★★★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00023 | 无聊开箱 & Zealer评测 | 短视频 VLog |
产品开箱评测 Unboxing |
2 | ★★★ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00024 | 付老师种植技术 | 短视频 VLog |
农业、种植 Agriculture, Planting |
2.7 | ★★★☆ |
SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00025 | 石国鹏讲古希腊哲学 | 线下培训 Offline lecture |
历史,古希腊哲学 History, Greek philosophy |
1.3 | ★★☆ |
Commercial API (ZH)
类型 type |
模型作者/所有人 model author/owner |
简介 description |
链接 url |
aispeech_api | Cloud API | 思必驰 AISpeech |
思必驰开放平台 | https://cloud.aispeech.com |
aliyun_api | Cloud API | 阿里巴巴 Alibaba |
阿里云 | https://ai.aliyun.com/nls/asr |
baidu_pro_api | Cloud API | 百度 Baidu |
百度智能云(极速版) | https://cloud.baidu.com/product/speech/asr |
Cloud API | 讯飞 IFlyTek |
讯飞开放平台(听写服务) | https://www.xfyun.cn/services/voicedictation | |
microsoft_api | Cloud API | 微软 Microsoft |
Azure | https://azure.microsoft.com/zh-cn/services/cognitive-services/speech-services/ |
sogou_api | Cloud API | 搜狗 Sogou |
AI开放平台 | https://ai.sogou.com/product/one_recognition/ |
tencent_api | Cloud API | 腾讯 Tencent |
腾讯云 | https://cloud.tencent.com/product/asr |
yitu_api | Cloud API | 依图 YituTech |
依图语音开放平台 | https://speech.yitutech.com |
Open-Sourced Pretrained Models (ZH)
类型 type |
模型作者/所有人 model author/owner |
简介 description |
链接 url |
speechio_kaldi_multicn | pretrained ASR model | 那兴宇 Xingyu NA |
Kaldi预训练模型 Kaldi pretrained ASR |
based on Kaldi recipe https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi/tree/master/egs/multi_cn/s5 |
How to submit your own model and get your model benchmarked ?
Follow submission guideline here HOW_TO_SUBMIT.md
Contact [email protected] if you have further inqueires.