基础反检测 frida-server / Basic anti-detection frida-server
PC wechat robot interface [wechat Hook] / PC微信3.9.10.16/接口 微信Hook 微信机器人 微信Hook源码 PC微信协议算法
Flutter Mobile Application Reverse Engineering Tool
针对 @hanbinglengyue 的FART项目下的Frida脱壳脚本进行最新适配,可在Frida16.1.0 + Android12环境下进行脱壳
IDEA plugin for directly editing and modifying files in jar without decompression. (一款无需解压直接编辑修改jar包内文件的IDEA插件)
Python binding for curl-impersonate fork via cffi. A http client that can impersonate browser tls/ja3/http2 fingerprints.
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新一代SKRoot,挑战全网root检测手段,跟面具完全不同思路,摆脱面具被检测的弱点,完美隐藏root功能,全程不需要暂停SELinux,实现真正的SELinux 0%触碰,通用性强,通杀所有内核,不需要内核源码,直接patch内核,兼容安卓APP直接JNI调用,稳定、流畅、不闪退。
Frida-based runtime parsing script
🤖 史上最强云手机远程桌面逆向抓包HOOK自动化取证能力集一体的安卓 RPA 框架,下一代移动数据自动化机器人。
Deep LearningImage Captcha 2
基于正则匹配的 JavaScript 解密工具。请务必遵守开源协议,不得用于非法或商业用途。
Capturing SSL/TLS plaintext without a CA certificate using eBPF. Supported on Linux/Android kernels for amd64/arm64.
Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and…
Android ARM & ARM64 Debugger based on Unicorn and Frida