If a function cannot return a value or throw an exception without blocking, it can return a promise instead. A promise is an object that represents the return value or the thrown exception that the function may eventually provide. A promise can also be used as a proxy for a remote object to overcome latency.
On the first pass, promises can mitigate the “Pyramid of Doom”: the situation where code marches to the right faster than it marches forward.
step1(function (value1) {
step2(value1, function(value2) {
step3(value2, function(value3) {
step4(value3, function(value4) {
// Do something with value4
With a promise library, you can flatten the pyramid.
.then(function (value4) {
// Do something with value4
}, function (error) {
// Handle any error from step1 through step4
With this approach, you also get implicit error propagation,
just like try
, catch
, and finally
. An error in
will flow all the way to step5
, where it’s
caught and handled.
The callback approach is called an “inversion of control”. A function that accepts a callback instead of a return value is saying, “Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”. Promises un-invert the inversion, cleanly separating the input arguments from control flow arguments. This simplifies the use and creation of API’s, particularly variadic, rest and spread arguments.
The Q module can be loaded as:
- a
tag (creating aQ
global variable): ~3 KB minified and gzipped. - a Node.js and CommonJS module available from NPM as the
package - a RequireJS module
- A component as
- Using bower as
Q can exchange promises with jQuery, Dojo, When.js, WinJS, and more. Additionally, there are many libraries that produce and consume Q promises for everything from file system/database access or RPC to templating. For a list of some of the more popular ones, see Libraries.
Please join the Q-Continuum mailing list.
Promises have a then
method, which you can use to get the eventual
return value (fulfillment) or thrown exception (rejection).
.then(function (value) {
}, function (reason) {
If promiseMeSomething
returns a promise that gets fulfilled later
with a return value, the first function (the value handler) will be
called with the value. However, if the promiseMeSomething
gets rejected later by a thrown exception, the second function (the
error handler) will be called with the error.
Note that resolution of a promise is always asynchronous: that is, the
value or error handler will always be called in the next turn of the
event loop (i.e. process.nextTick
in Node). This gives you a nice
guarantee when mentally tracing the flow of your code, namely that
will always return before either handler is executed.
The then
method returns a promise, which in this example, I’m
assigning to outputPromise
var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
.then(function (input) {
}, function (reason) {
The outputPromise
variable becomes a new promise for the return
value of either handler. Since a function can only either return a
value or throw an exception, only one handler will ever be called and it
will be responsible for resolving outputPromise
If you return a value in a handler,
will get fulfilled. -
If you throw an exception in a handler
will get rejected. -
If you return a promise in a handler,
will “become” that promise. Being able to become a new promise is useful for managing delays, combining results, or recovering from errors.
If the getInputPromise()
promise gets rejected and you omit the
error handler, the error will go to outputPromise
var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
.then(function (value) {
If the input promise gets fulfilled and you omit the value handler, the
value will go to outputPromise
var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
.then(null, function (error) {
Q promises provide a fail
shorthand for then
when you are only
interested in handling the error:
var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
.fail(function (error) {
If you are writing JavaScript for modern engines only or using
CoffeeScript, you may use catch
instead of fail
Promises also have a fin
function that is like a finally
The final handler gets called, with no arguments, when the promise
returned by getInputPromise()
either returns a value or throws an
error. The value returned or error thrown by getInputPromise()
passes directly to outputPromise
unless the final handler fails, and
may be delayed if the final handler returns a promise.
var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
.fin(function () {
// close files, database connections, stop servers, conclude tests
- If the handler returns a value, the value is ignored
- If the handler throws an error, the error passes to
- If the handler returns a promise,
gets postponed. The eventual value or error has the same effect as an immediate return value or thrown error: a value would be ignored, an error would be forwarded.
If you are writing JavaScript for modern engines only or using
CoffeeScript, you may use finally
instead of fin
There are two ways to chain promises. You can chain promises either inside or outside handlers. The next two examples are equivalent.
return getUsername()
.then(function (username) {
return getUser(username)
.then(function (user) {
// if we get here without an error,
// the value returned here
// or the exception thrown here
// resolves the promise returned
// by the first line
return getUsername()
.then(function (username) {
return getUser(username);
.then(function (user) {
// if we get here without an error,
// the value returned here
// or the exception thrown here
// resolves the promise returned
// by the first line
The only difference is nesting. It’s useful to nest handlers if you need to capture multiple input values in your closure.
function authenticate() {
return getUsername()
.then(function (username) {
return getUser(username);
// chained because we will not need the user name in the next event
.then(function (user) {
return getPassword()
// nested because we need both user and password next
.then(function (password) {
if (user.passwordHash !== hash(password)) {
throw new Error("Can't authenticate");
You can turn an array of promises into a promise for the whole,
fulfilled array using all
return Q.all([
eventualAdd(2, 2),
eventualAdd(10, 20)
If you have a promise for an array, you can use spread
as a
replacement for then
. The spread
function “spreads” the
values over the arguments of the value handler. The error handler
will get called at the first sign of failure. That is, whichever of
the recived promises fails first gets handled by the error handler.
function eventualAdd(a, b) {
return Q.spread([a, b], function (a, b) {
return a + b;
But spread
calls all
initially, so you can skip it in chains.
return getUsername()
.then(function (username) {
return [username, getUser(username)];
.spread(function (username, user) {
The all
function returns a promise for an array of values. If one
of the given promise fails, the whole returned promise fails, not
waiting for the rest of the batch. If you want to wait for all of the
promises to either be fulfilled or rejected, you can use
.then(function (promises) {
promises.forEach(function (promise) {
if (promise.isFulfilled()) {
var value = promise.valueOf();
} else {
var exception = promise.valueOf().exception;
If you have a number of promise-producing functions that need to be run sequentially, you can of course do so manually:
return foo(initialVal).then(bar).then(baz).then(qux);
However, if you want to run a dynamically constructed sequence of functions, you'll want something like this:
var funcs = [foo, bar, baz, qux];
var result = Q.resolve(initialVal);
funcs.forEach(function (f) {
result = result.then(f);
return result;
You can make this slightly more compact using reduce
return funcs.reduce(function (soFar, f) {
return soFar.then(f);
}, Q.resolve(initialVal));
One sometimes-unintuive aspect of promises is that if you throw an exception in the value handler, it will not be be caught by the error handler.
return foo()
.then(function (value) {
throw new Error("Can't bar.");
}, function (error) {
// We only get here if "foo" fails
To see why this is, consider the parallel between promises and
. We are try
-ing to execute foo()
: the error
handler represents a catch
for foo()
, while the value handler
represents code that happens after the try
That code then needs its own try
In terms of promises, this means chaining your error handler:
return foo()
.then(function (value) {
throw new Error("Can't bar.");
.fail(function (error) {
// We get here with either foo's error or bar's error
It's possible for promises to report their progress, e.g. for tasks that take a
long time like a file upload. Not all promises will implement progress
notifications, but for those that do, you can consume the progress values using
a third parameter to then
return uploadFile()
.then(function () {
// Success uploading the file
}, function (err) {
// There was an error, and we get the reason for error
}, function (progress) {
// We get notified of the upload's progress as it is executed
Like fail
, Q also provides a shorthand for progress callbacks
called progress
return uploadFile().progress(function (progress) {
// We get notified of the upload's progress
When you get to the end of a chain of promises, you should either return the last promise or end the chain. Since handlers catch errors, it’s an unfortunate pattern that the exceptions can go unobserved.
So, either return it,
return foo()
.then(function () {
return "bar";
Or, end it.
.then(function () {
return "bar";
Ending a promise chain makes sure that, if an error doesn’t get handled before the end, it will get rethrown and reported.
This is a stopgap. We are exploring ways to make unhandled errors visible without any explicit handling.
Everything above assumes you get a promise from somewhere else. This is the common case. Every once in a while, you will need to create a promise from scratch.
You can create a promise from a value using Q.fcall
. This returns a
promise for 10.
return Q.fcall(function () {
return 10;
You can also use fcall
to get a promise for an exception.
return Q.fcall(function () {
throw new Error("Can't do it");
As the name implies, fcall
can call functions, or even promised
functions. This uses the eventualAdd
function above to add two
return Q.fcall(eventualAdd, 2, 2);
If you have to interface with asynchronous functions that are callback-based
instead of promise-based, Q provides a few shortcuts (like Q.nfcall
friends). But much of the time, the solution will be to use deferreds.
var deferred = Q.defer();
FS.readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8", function (error, text) {
if (error) {
deferred.reject(new Error(error));
} else {
return deferred.promise;
Note that a deferred can be resolved with a value or a promise. The
function is a shorthand for resolving with a rejected
// this:
deferred.reject(new Error("Can't do it"));
// is shorthand for:
var rejection = Q.fcall(function () {
throw new Error("Can't do it");
This is a simplified implementation of Q.delay
function delay(ms) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
setTimeout(deferred.resolve, ms);
return deferred.promise;
This is a simplified implementation of Q.timeout
function timeout(promise, ms) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
Q.when(promise, deferred.resolve);
Q.when(delay(ms), function () {
deferred.reject(new Error("Timed out"));
return deferred.promise;
For illustration, this is a wrapper for XML HTTP requests in the browser. Note that a more thorough implementation would be in order in practice.
function requestOkText(url) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
var deferred = Q.defer();
request.open("GET", url, true);
request.onload = onload;
request.onerror = onerror;
function onload() {
if (request.status === 200) {
} else {
function onerror() {
deferred.reject("Can't XHR " + JSON.stringify(url));
return deferred.promise;
If you are using a function that may return a promise, but just might return a value if it doesn’t need to defer, you can use the “static” methods of the Q library.
The when
function is the static equivalent for then
return Q.when(valueOrPromise, function (value) {
}, function (error) {
All of the other methods on a promise have static analogs with the same name.
The following are equivalent:
return Q.all([a, b]);
return Q.fcall(function () {
return [a, b];
When working with promises provided by other libraries, you should
convert it to a Q promise. Not all promise libraries make the same
guarantees as Q and certainly don’t provide all of the same methods.
Most libraries only provide a partially functional then
This thankfully is all we need to turn them into vibrant Q promises.
return Q.when($.ajax(...))
.then(function () {
If there is any chance that the promise you receive is not a Q promise
as provided by your library, you should wrap it using a Q function.
You can even use Q.invoke
as a shorthand.
return Q.invoke($, 'ajax', ...)
.then(function () {
A promise can serve as a proxy for another object, even a remote object. There are methods that allow you to optimistically manipulate properties or call functions. All of these interactions return promises, so they can be chained.
direct manipulation using a promise as a proxy
-------------------------- -------------------------------
value.foo promise.get("foo")
value.foo = value promise.put("foo", value)
delete value.foo promise.del("foo")
value.foo(...args) promise.post("foo", [args])
value.foo(...args) promise.invoke("foo", ...args)
value(...args) promise.fapply([args])
value(...args) promise.fcall(...args)
If the promise is a proxy for a remote object, you can shave
round-trips by using these functions instead of then
. To take
advantage of promises for remote objects, check out Q-Comm.
Even in the case of non-remote objects, these methods can be used as shorthand for particularly-simple value handlers. For example, you can replace
return Q.fcall(function () {
return [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }];
.then(function (value) {
return value[0].foo;
return Q.fcall(function () {
return [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }];
There is a makeNodeResolver
method on deferreds that is handy for
the NodeJS callback pattern.
var deferred = Q.defer();
FS.readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8", deferred.makeNodeResolver());
return deferred.promise;
And there are Q.nfcall
and Q.ninvoke
for even shorter
return Q.nfcall(FS.readFile, "foo.txt", "utf-8");
return Q.ninvoke(FS, "readFile", "foo.txt", "utf-8");
There is also a Q.nfbind
function that that creates a reusable
var readFile = Q.nfbind(FS.readFile);
return readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8");
Note that, since promises are always resolved in the next turn of the
event loop, working with streams can be tricky. The
essential problem is that, since Node does not buffer input, it is
necessary to attach your "data"
event listeners immediately,
before this next turn comes around. There are a variety of solutions
to this problem, and even some hope that in future versions of Node it
will be ameliorated.
Q comes with experimental support for “long stack traces,” wherein the stack
property of Error
rejection reasons is rewritten to be traced along
asynchronous jumps instead of stopping at the most recent one. As an example:
function theDepthsOfMyProgram() {
Q.delay(100).done(function explode() {
throw new Error("boo!");
gives a strack trace of:
Error: boo!
at explode (/path/to/test.js:3:11)
From previous event:
at theDepthsOfMyProgram (/path/to/test.js:2:16)
at Object.<anonymous> (/path/to/test.js:7:1)
Note how you can see the the function that triggered the async operation in the stack trace! This is very helpful for debugging, as otherwise you end up getting only the first line, plus a bunch of Q internals, with no sign of where the operation started.
This feature comes with some caveats, however. First, it does not (yet!) stitch together multiple asynchronous steps. You only get the one immediately prior to the operation that throws. Secondly, it comes with a performance penalty, and so if you are using Q to create many promises in a performance-critical situation, you will probably want to turn it off.
To turn it off, set
Q.longStackJumpLimit = 0;
Then you stack traces will revert to their usual unhelpful selves:
Error: boo!
at explode (/path/to/test.js:3:11)
at _fulfilled (/path/to/test.js:q:54)
at resolvedValue.promiseDispatch.done (/path/to/q.js:823:30)
at makePromise.promise.promiseDispatch (/path/to/q.js:496:13)
at pending (/path/to/q.js:397:39)
at process.startup.processNextTick.process._tickCallback (node.js:244:9)
A method-by-method Q API reference is available on the wiki.
A growing examples gallery is available on the wiki, showing how Q can be used to make everything better. From XHR to database access to accessing the Flickr API, Q is there for you.
Copyright 2009-2012 Kristopher Michael Kowal MIT License (enclosed)