Generalized implementation of some flavours of Bayesian Filters.
This package provides the following filters:
- Augmented Unscented Kalman Filter (AUKF)
- Unscented Kalman Filter
All the filters in this package have a common API:
import numpy as np
import time
from Filters import AUKF
from <YOUR_MODEL> import state_transition, output_transition, postprocessing
from <YOUR_SENSOR> import get_measurement
# Initialization
state_dim = 6 # site of state
output_dim = 3 # size of outputs
noise_dim = 3 # size of process noise state variables
deltaT = 0.1 # step time in seconds
filter = AUKF(state_dim, noise_dim, output_dim)
# initialize transition functions
filter.init_io(state_transition, output_transition, postprocessing)
# initialize state
x0 = np.random.rand(state_dim).T # initial state mean
C0 = 1e4 * np.eye(state_dim) # initial state covariance
# initialize augmented state
n0 = np.random.rand(noise_dim).T # initial process noise mean
Q0 = 1e-4 * np.eye(noise_dim) # initial process noise covariance
filter.init_state(x0, C0, n0, Q0)
while True:
t0 = time.time()
measurement, covariance = get_measurement()
x_estimate, C_estimate = filter.step(deltaT, measurement, covariance)
print('Estimate: ', x_estimate)
sleep(deltaT + t0 - time.time())