The essential tools you will need are npm, docker, docker-compose and a code editor, for example Atom or VSCode. Samples are held in GitHub so git will be needed as well.
Automatic installations scripts are available for Ubuntu
The recommended minimum versions are: Docker: v1.12.3 Docker-compose: v1.10.0 npm: v4.6.0 node.js: v6.9.5
We highly recommend installing NVM to easily install and manage versions of node.js and npm. The main runtime uses node.js and npm is used for package management and dependency installation. The runtime requires a version higher than v4.6.0.
Official nvm GitHub repository
If running on Ubuntu Trusty or Utopic, it is necessary to obtain additional Kernel packages to enable use of the AUFS storage driver for Docker.
The Docker Engine is essential for running system tests and running the HyperLedger Fabric.
Official Docker Engine Installation Guide
Docker Compose is used for easily configuring and starting HyperLedger Fabric.
Official Docker Compose Installation guide
This is probably already installed on most Linux machines. Pay particular attention to setting up the SSL keys that are required.
{{}} allows you to edit its project files with any editor. We recommend using either Atom or Visual Studio Code, as not only do both have excellent support for Javascript development, a .cto
file syntax highlighting plugin exists for these editors.
Atom is a very popular editor and several contributors use it.
Official Atom installation guide
Suggested Plugins:
Composer Atom Syntax Highlighter A plugin for model file highlighting.
File Icons is a useful UI enhancement to show different icons for different files.
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight and powerful editor.
Extensions may be installed into VS Code by searching the Extensions repository for the desired extension package and selecting the install option once identified. Suggested extentions include:
Composer VS Code Plugin. Provides syntax highlighting for CTO files within VS Code
ESLint. Integrates ESLint into VS Code.
TSLint. Integrates the tslint linter for the TypeScript language into VS Code.
EditorConfig for VS Code. Enables the definition and maintainance of consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.