The GUI project for aUToronto self driving car, and the course project of team RED for AER1514 Mobile Robotics Winter 2019.
Names in alphabetical order:
Note: we've abandoned a Unity based approach in favor of the following new approach:
Diagram created with
: A data proxy server that read from rosbridge-server and serves data in XVIZ format, which is a opensource protocol from Uber to stream/visualize autonomy data. -
GUI: A web UI based on Uber's which is specialized to visualize data in XVIZ format. Right now we are using the demo example from with some minor changes.
Map Tile Server: A map tile server that reads local OpenStreemMap data files and serve map images to the GUI.
Note: If running from a VM, make sure to enable 3D acceleration for it's graphics setting.
Follow the steps (1, 2, and 4) in rosbridge-xviz-connector to start the neccessary services.
Start the GUI
cd gui # please run yarn install before the next command to download dependencies export MapboxAccessToken=<your mapbox token> yarn start-live
A browser window will automatically open and connect to the server from step 1.
In developement/simulation mode, play the rosbag to start piping in data, e.g.
rosbag play /mnt/hgfs/argus-autoronto/project-data/
After starting the rosbag, if the UI is not updated, refresh the browser window. Since some rosbag recordings are very short, be sensitive to the timing of refresh and play.