is a dependently typed framework to define deep learning models which structure is verified on
compilation time. If the models are valid, these can be compiled to Keras framework in Python or JavaScript.
withstack install
cd ~ stack install ghc-mod hpack stylish-haskell
stack build
in project folder -
stack build intero
in the project folderRef: https://gitlab.com/vannnns/haskero/blob/master/client/doc/installation.md
Run hpack
in the root of the project and the file tensor-safe.cabal
will be generated
Models can be defined as a type using the MkINetwork
type function. The MkINetwork
defines a
valid instance of a Network model given a list of Layers
and a spected input and iutput Shapes
Here's an example of how to define a simple model for the MNIST
dataset, using Dense
type MNIST = MkINetwork
Dense 784 42,
Dense 42 10,
('D3 28 28 1) -- Input
('D1 10) -- Output
After that, variable with the model type can be verified with the function mkINetwork
like this:
mnist :: MNIST
mnist = mkINetwork
You can nest networks definitions easily by adding the networks as layers. For example, in the case of the MNIST
model defined above, we can abstract the use of Dense and a activation function like this:
type DenseRelu i o =
MkINetwork '[ Dense i o, Relu ] ('D1 i) ('D1 o)
type DenseSigmoid i o =
MkINetwork '[ Dense i o, Sigmoid ] ('D1 i) ('D1 o)
type MNIST = MkINetwork
DenseRelu 784 42,
DenseSigmoid 42 10
('D3 28 28 1) -- Input
('D1 10) -- Output
Since this library only implements a subset of features that Keras implement, it's likely that for new projects you'll need to add new layers. Due to the modularization of the library, this can be done by adding the layer definitions in specific locations of the project:
- First, add a new auxiliary layer entry for the data type
. This will make possible the compilation of the layer for all instances ofGenerator
. Also, add to theLayerGenerator
entry for the newly added layer. - Secondly, add the layer definition to the
folder. You can copy the definitions from the currently defined layers. - Then, import and expose your layer definition in the
module. - Finally, declare how your layer transforms a specific Shape in the
type function.
This interface will change in the near future
You can install tensor-safe
command line tool by running stack build
. Then you can use it by using stack exec tensor-safe -- check --path ./path-to-model.hs
or stack exec tensor-safe -- compile --path ./path-to-model.hs --module-name SomeModule
Add as development dependency the packages babel-plugin-tensor-safe
and eslint-plugin-tensor-safe
. These can be found in the extra/javascript
folder in this project.
You can add them directly from this project like this:
yarn add --dev file/:<path-to-tensor-safe>/extra/javascript/babel-plugin-tensor-safe
yarn add --dev file/:<path-to-tensor-safe>/extra/javascript/eslint-plugin-tensor-safe
Then add to the .eslintrc.js
file in your JavaScript project the plugin tensor-safe
and the rule tensor-safe-model-invalid
like this:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
rules: {
"tensor-safe/invalid-model": 1
And for the Babel plugin add "@babel/plugin-tensor-safe"
to the plugins list in the .babelrc
file inside your JavaScript project.
Then, you can write your deep learning model inside your JS files as in the following example:
function createConvModel() {
Conv2D 1 16 3 3 1 1,
MaxPooling 2 2 2 2,
Conv2D 16 32 3 3 1 1,
MaxPooling 2 2 2 2,
Conv2D 32 32 3 3 1 1,
Dense 288 64,
Dense 64 10,
('D3 28 28 1) -- Input
('D1 10) -- Output
return model;
This project was highly influenciated by Grenade 💣.
Grenade is a really cool library to define deep neural networks which are validated using dependent types.
What differences TensorSafe from Grenade the most is that TensorSafe doesn't run nor train the models, instead
it compiles the model to external languages that are capable of performing all computations – like Keras
for Python or JavaScript. Also, TensorSafe doesn't need to specifically declare all Shapes transformations
for all the model layers, instead, it just needs the input
and output
Shapes to validate the model.
Another worth looking library is TensorFlow for Haskell. This library has all bindings for TensorFlow in C. The issue with this is that it doesn't perform a lot of type checkings at compilation time. However, there's an open branch that uses dependent types to solve many of these issues: https://github.com/helq/tensorflow-haskell-deptyped, but the solution still seems rather complicated for real use.