RTFM is a great and useful book, BUT a bit pointless when you have to transcribe it, so this little program will aim to be the spiritual successor to it.
I would recommend picking up a copy of the book from Amazon, it is pretty handy to have!
Usage: rtfm.py [OPTIONS]
For when you just cant remember the syntax, you should just RTFM
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TAG, --tag=TAG Specify one or more tags to look for (a, b, c)
-c CMD, --cmd=CMD Specify a command to search (ls)
-R REMARK, --remark=REMARK
Search the comments feilds
-r REFER, --reference=REFER
Search for the reference [reference]
-a AUTHOR, --author=author
Search for an author
Print Types : P(retty) p(astable) w(iki) h(tml)
-i INSERT, --insert=INSERT
Insert c(ommand) | t(ags) r(eferances)
-D DUMP, --dump=DUMP Just Dump infomration about
-d, --debug Display verbose processing details (default: False)
-u, --update Check for updates (default: false)
-v Shows the current version number and the current DB
hash and exits (lies, it will do though)
--delete Delete a ID from the DB
Example: rtfm.py -c rtfm -t linux -R help -r git -pP -d
Its pretty much a simple search program, nothing to fancy, examples include:
Search for the command rtfm
./rtfm.py -c rtfm
Command ID : 0
Command : RTFM
Comment : helpception
Tags : Linux
Date Added : 2017-01-30
Show us all windows commands with the term psexec
./rtfm.py -t windows -c psexec
Show us all commands which have been added by Innes
./rtfm.py -a innes
Show us all the current tags
./rtfm.py -D t
Pull Updates to the DB
./rtfm.py -u
The updates are 'safe' in the form they wont write over your DB, git pull is not a safe update
Add a tag to the CMD
./rtfm.py -i t
Insert commands into the db
./rtfm.py -i c
On all of these, I have tried to add 'debug' calls '-d'
There is also a number of output options, such as copy any paste, pretty, wiki and HTML:
23:15:root:snips: ./rtfm.py -c rtfm -p p
23:15:root:snips: ./rtfm.py -c rtfm -p P
| Command ID | 0 |
| Command | RTFM |
| | |
| Comment | helpception |
| Tags | Linux |
| Date added | 2017-01-30 |
23:15:root:snips: ./rtfm.py -c rtfm -p w
= Helpception, search for a command with two tags and a comment =
rtfm.py -c [command] -t [tag],[tag] -C [comment] -p P
- Lots, this is an alpha so far
- The 'important' functionality is present, but still lots of work to do
- Changes are happening on the DB, which means it may 'break' from time to time, just do a git pull to fix
- Probabley should use prepared statements : local so dont care
- Check for dupe tags
- Warn on dupe tags
- Re-jig the updater and the inserter
- Template engine(autofill [user] : A user = innes, pass = password, attacker =, victim =
- Make code more sane and betterize the layout
- Cool Thing mode
- Fix the typos
The people that deserve the credits will be in the reference table of the DB. They are the ones doing the work!
Thanks in no particular order :) : @VC @Rekzon