A light & fast & lovely hexo theme.
PV: Yun v1.0 - Strato | bilibili
- Docs for
: https://yun.yunyoujun.cn - Docs for
: https://hexo-theme-yun.vercel.app/
If you are using this theme, welcome to leave your site in Demo Sites | Example Site, and I will add it to the sample site below.
如果你已经使用了本主题,欢迎前往 Demo Sites | 示例站点 留下你的站点,我将会将其添加到下方的示例站点中。
云游君的小站 |
落梅听风雪 |
神崎日照の小窝 |
呵呵君的博客 |
多酱的部落格 |
俺たちに翼はない |
NBA·Max |
ADD-SP的博客 |
琉的小窝 |
nancheng58 |
秩同道合的博客 |
道之遠兮 |
柠檬君的小站 |
山山的掉发历程 |
陌上花的小栈 |
Lymtics |
南楼画角的小站 |
乐得自在的小破站 |
小白菜的博客 |
Eden瞎写小屋 |
琴社迷思 |
池某的小博客 |
偕臧的小站 |
In your hexo folder:
git clone -b master https://github.com/YunYouJun/hexo-theme-yun themes/yun
If you don't have jade & stylus renderer:
npm install hexo-render-pug hexo-renderer-stylus
# root/_config.yml
theme: yun
More info here.
You just need:
cd themes/yun
git pull
We uses SATA License.
You don’t know what this means? In short, if you use this theme, you need to Star this repo non-stop, and then you can use it as you like.
本主题采用 SATA License。
你不知道这代表什么?简单来说,就是如果你使用了该主题,你需要马不停蹄地点一个 Star,接下来你便可以随意使用它。
Welcome! However, if the job is heavy, you should use an Issue called 「Feature Request」 to ask if the feature should be implemented.
You are welcome to use Issue to ask any questions and suggestions. Of course, you need to read the documentation firstly.