Under development
- Demographic Data
- Line Items
- Line Item Categoris
- Resources
- Results
This program supports only bulk data.
Academic Session
- metadata: not supported.
- parent: not supported.
- cildren: not supported.
- We use this object as 'Rclass'.
- metadata: not supported.
- location: not supported.
- grades: not supported.
- subjects: not supported.
- terms: only one term.
- subjectCodes: not supoorted.
- periods: not supported. *resources: not supported.
- metadata: not supported.
- schoolYear: not supported.
- courseCode: not supported.
- grades: not supported.
- subjects: not supported.
- subjectCodes: not supported.
- resources: not supported.
- status: not supported.
- metadata: not supported.
- beginDate: not supported.
- endDate: not supported.
- status: not supported.
- metadata: not supported.
- identifier: not supported.
- parent: not supported.
- children: not supported.
- status: not supported.
- metadata: not supported.
- userIds: not supported.
- middleName: not supported.
- identifier: not supported.
- sms: not supported.
- phone: not supported.
- agents: not supported.
- grades: not supported.
- password: not supported.
CSV_FILE_PATH = 'public/csv'
CSV_ZIP_FILE = 'csv.zip'
BACKUP_DIR = 'backup'
ROSTER_FILES = ['academicSessions','categories','classes','classResources','courses','courseResources','demographics','enrollments','lineItems','orgs','resources','results','users']
ZIP_MODE = true
LIMIT = 100
CSV_IMPORT_LOG = 'public/csv/CsvImport.log'
PERMIT_ADDRESSES: Forward matching. e.g. ['', '192.168.']
To disable Basic authorization for access tokens, you will need to configure doorkeeper's access_token_methods.
:from_access_token_param, :from_bearer_param
Doorkeeper.configure do
access_token_methods :from_bearer_authorization
$ bundle install
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails spec
$ rails s
copy the zip file or csv files in the CSV_FILE_PATH
A sample csv.zip file exists. -
execute importing csv files to the database. (execute now)
$ rails console
> CsvImportJob.perform_now
(using cron jobs)
- write schedule in [config/schedule.rb].
(example) "everday at 4:33 am"
every 1.day, at: ['4:33 am'] do
runner 'CsvImportJob.perform_now'
- set cron job.
$ bundle exec whenever -i
$ crontab -l
(*) bin/rails requires execute permissions.
- Register your app with uid and secret.
'uid' and 'secret' are important.
> app = Doorkeeper::Application.new name: 'applicationname',redirect_uri: 'http://xxxxx/', uid: '[uid]',secret: '[secret]'
> app.save
To allow only specific ip address, add permit_ips.
> app = Doorkeeper::Application.new name: 'applicationname',redirect_uri: 'http://xxxxx/', uid: '[uid]',secret: '[secret]', permit_ips: 'ip1,ip2,...'
- permit_ips : Forward matching.
- Request access token with uid and secret.
$ curl -i http[s]://[servername][:port]/oauth/token -F grant_type="client_credentials" -F client_id="[uid]" -F client_secret="[secret]"
- Call API with access token.
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [accesstoken]" -i http[s]://[servername][:port]/ims/oneroster/v1p1/[endpoint]?[parameters]
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Action | Impl. |
getAllAcademicSessions | /academicSessions | GET | Return collection of all academic sessions. | OK |
getAcademicSession | /academicSessions/{id} | GET | Return specific Academic Session. | OK |
getAllClasses | /classes | GET | Return collection of classes. | OK |
getClass | /classes/{id} | GET | Return specific class. | OK |
getAllCourses | /courses | GET | Return collection of courses. | OK |
getCourse | /courses/{id} | GET | Return specific course. | OK |
getAllGradingPeriods | /gradingPeriods | GET | Return collection of grading periods. A Grading Period is an instance of an AcademicSession. | |
getGradingPeriod | /gradingPeriods/{id} | GET | Return specific Grading Period. A Grading Period is an instance of an AcademicSession. | |
getAllDemographics | /demographics | GET | Return collection of demographics. | |
getDemographics | /demographics/{id} | GET | Return specific demographics. | |
getAllEnrollments | /enrollments | GET | Return collection of all enrollments. | OK |
getEnrollment | /enrollments/{id} | GET | Return specific enrollment. | OK |
getAllOrgs | /orgs | GET | Return collection of Orgs. | OK |
getOrg | /orgs/{id} | GET | Return Specific Org. | OK |
getAllSchools | /schools | GET | Return collection of schools. A School is an instance of an Org. | OK |
getSchool | /schools/{id} | GET | Return specific school. A School is an instance of an Org. | OK |
getAllStudents | /students | GET | Return collection of students. A Student is an instance of a User. | OK |
getStudent | /students/{id} | GET | Return specific student. A Student is an instance of a User. | OK |
getAllTeachers | /teachers | GET | Return collection of teachers. A Teacher is an instance of a User. | OK. |
getTeacher | /teachers/{id} | GET | Return specific teacher. | OK |
getAllTerms | /terms | GET | Return collection of terms. A Term is an instance of an AcademicSession. | OK |
getTerm | /terms/{id} | GET | Return specific term. | OK |
getAllUsers | /users | GET | Return collection of users | OK |
getUser | /users/{id} | GET | Return specific user | OK |
getCoursesForSchool | /schools/{id}/courses | GET | Return the collection of courses taught by this school. | OK |
getEnrollmentsForClassInSchool | /schools/{school_id}/classes/{class_id}/enrollments | GET | Return the collection of all enrollments into this class. | |
getStudentsForClassInSchool | /schools/{school_id}/classes/{class_id}/students | GET | Return the collection of students taking this class in this school. | |
getTeachersForClassInSchool | /schools/{school_id}/classes/{class_id}/teachers | GET | Return the collection of teachers taking this class in this school. | |
getEnrollmentsForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/enrollments | GET | Return the collection of all enrollments for this school. | |
getStudentsForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/students | GET | Return the collection of students attending this school. | |
getTeachersForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/teachers | GET | Return the collection of teachers teaching at this school. | |
getTermsForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/terms | GET | Return the collection of terms that are used by this school. | |
getClassesForTerm | /terms/{term_id}/classes | GET | Return the collection of classes that are taught in this term. | |
getGradingPeriodsForTerm | /terms/{term_id}/gradingPeriods | GET | Return the collection of Grading Periods that are part of this term. | |
getClassesForCourse | /courses/{course_id}/classes | GET | Return the collection of classes that are teaching this course. | |
getClassesForStudent | /students/{student_id}/classes | GET | Return the collection of classes that this student is taking. | |
getClassesForTeacher | /teachers/{teacher_id}/classes | GET | Return the collection of classes that this teacher is teaching. | |
getClassesForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/classes | GET | Return the collection of classes taught by this school. | |
getClassesForUser | /users/{user_id}/classes | GET | Return the collection of classes attended by this user. | |
getStudentsForClass | /classes/{class_id}/students | GET | Return the collection of students that are taking this class. | |
getTeachersForClass | /classes/{class_id}/teachers | GET | Return the collection of teachers that are teaching this class. |
- limit : the number of result to return : The default value for limit is 100.
- offset : the index of the first record to return.(zero indexed) : The default value for offset is 0.
- sort=[data_field]
- orderBy=[asc|desc]
- filter=[data_field][predicate][value] or [data_field][predicate][value][logical][data_field][predicate][value]
Filter queries MUST be URL encoded.
(ex.) http[s]://[domain]/ims/oneroster/v1p1/filter=familyName%3D%27jones%27