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Cloudboostr 1.7.0

Clouboostr is an enterprise multicloud Kubernetes distribution.

Installing Cloudboostr

Below instructions describe how to install on AWS. If you would like to use different provider go here.

Required tools

Prepare SSH keys

First step is to prepare SSH keys that will be used for jumpbox and bosh connection. Also GIT key is required for terraform and scripts to download the required repositories.

If SSH keys were prepared before hand or are being created by external tool like Vault skip this and go to the next step.

# Create SSH keys

mkdir keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "$EMAIL" -f ./keys/jumpbox_devops -N '' -m pem
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "$EMAIL" -f ./keys/bosh_devops -N '' -m pem
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "$EMAIL" -f ./keys/git_private_key -N '' -m pem

Upload keys

Then keys should be uploaded to the sensitive-data container. Filenames and container name can be changed in configuration if required.

aws s3 cp ./keys/bosh_devops         s3://sensitive-data/bosh_devops
aws s3 cp ./keys/     s3://sensitive-data/
aws s3 cp ./keys/jumpbox_devops      s3://sensitive-data/jumpbox_devops
aws s3 cp ./keys/  s3://sensitive-data/
aws s3 cp ./keys/git_private_key     s3://sensitive-data/git_private_key
aws s3 cp ./keys/ s3://sensitive-data/

Required Cloudboostr packages


Unpack packages

tar -zxvf cb-installer-latest.tgz
mkdir cloudboostr
./ . cloudboostr latest

Navigate to cb-opscontrol/terraform/aws.

Configure terraform

Create file terraform.tfvars based on terraform.tfvars.example from aws directory.

Example terraform.tfvars
### AWS PROVIDER ########################################################
# AWS access_key for the account                 [REQUIRED]
aws_access_key = ((aws_access_key))

# AWS secret for the account                     [REQUIRED]
aws_secret_key = ((aws_secret_key))

# AWS region                                     [REQUIRED]
aws_region = ((aws_region))

# List of Availability Zones                     [REQUIRED]
azs = ((azs))

# AWS account ID                                 [REQUIRED]
aws_account_id = ((aws_account_id))

### LOAD BALANCERS ######################################################
concourse_certificate_arn = ((concourse_certificate_arn))
grafana_certificate_arn = ((grafana_certificate_arn))
control_plane_certificate_arn = ((control_plane_certificate_arn))
uaa_certificate_arn = ((uaa_certificate_arn))

### SECURITY GROUPS #####################################################
# IP address or range allowed to access jumpbox 
jumpbox_whitelist_ssh_in = ((jumpbox_whitelist))

### DNS #################################################################
# DNS domain for externaly accessible services   [REQUIRED]
opscontrol_base_domain = ((opscontrol_base_domain))

# Floating IP created manually for the DNS       [REQUIRED]
dns_instance_public_ip = ((dns_instance_public_ip))

### CUSTOM SCRIPTS ######################################################
# Jumpbox VM type                                [REQUIRED]
jumpbox_instance_type = ((jumpbox_instance_type))

# BOSH Director VM type                          [REQUIRED]
bosh_instance_type = ((bosh_instance_type))

# AZ for bosh VMs                                [REQUIRED]
bosh_vm_az = ((bosh_vm_az))

### DEPLOYMENTS CONFIG ##################################################
# Git repository address for the config files    [REQUIRED]
config_repository_url = ((config_repository_url))

# Git repository branch for the config files     [REQUIRED]
config_repository_branch = ((config_repository_branch))

### BACKUP AND RESTORE ##################################################
# Bucket for Prometheus/Grafana backup
prometheus_backup_bucket_name = ((prometheus_backup_bucket_name))

# Bucket for ELK backup (can be shared with Prometheus)
elk_backup_bucket_name = ((elk_backup_bucket_name))

sensitive_data_storage_container_name = ((sensitive_data_storage_container_name))

### PACKAGES ############################################################
# Packages bucket configuration
cb_deployments_package_bucket = ((cb_deployments_package_bucket))
cb_deployments_package_target_cloud = ((cb_deployments_package_target_cloud))
cb_deployments_package_version = ((cb_deployments_package_version))

The full list of configuration parameters can be found here.

Environment configuration

Envs configuration is based on GIT repositories with JSON configuration files. Starting point of the configuration (main repository) is configured in OpsControl configuration.

When the env is configured the repository is clonned, config.json file from the root directory loaded and appropriate Concourse teams and Credhub variables created.

More details can be found here.

Configure environments for your purposes. The minimum configuration repository should contain below files:

$ ls -lR
-rw-r--r--  config.json
drwxr-xr-x  env1

-rw-r--r--  common.json
drwxr-xr-x  infrastructure
drwxr-xr-x  bosh_deployments

-rw-r--r--  env.json

-rw-r--r--  k8s-deployment.json

    "envs": [
            "name": "env1",
            "backend_type": "aws",
            "config_repo_url": "git@gitrepository/cb-config",
            "config_repo_branch": "master"
    {"name": "infrastructure_state_bucket_name", "value": ""},
    {"name": "jumpbox_private_key", "opscontrol_var": "jumpbox_private_key"},

    {"name": "backups_bucket_name", "value": ""},

    {"name": "docker_password", "value": ""},
    {"name": "docker_username", "value": ""},
    {"name": "docker_url", "opscontrol_var": "registry_url"},

    {"name": "opscontrol_dns_public_ip", "opscontrol_var": "dns_instance_public_ip"},
    {"name": "dns_instance_public_ip", "value": "<IP_ADDRESS>"},
    {"name": "env_base_domain", "value": "<ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN>"},

    {"name": "elasticsearch_port", "value": "9200"},
    {"name": "elasticsearch_host", "opscontrol_var": "syslog_host"},

    {"name": "syslog_host", "opscontrol_var": "syslog_host"},
    {"name": "syslog_port", "opscontrol_var": "syslog_port"},

    {"name": "consul_ip", "opscontrol_var": "consul_ip"},

    {"name": "concourse_url", "opscontrol_var": "concourse_url"},
    {"name": "uaa_url", "opscontrol_var": "uaa_url"},

    {"name": "ssh_allowed_hosts", "opscontrol_var": "ssh_allowed_hosts"}
    "source_type": "package",
    "package_bucket": "<BUCKET_WITH_PACKAGES>",
    "package_target_cloud": "aws",
    "package_version": "latest",

    "pipelines": [
            "name": "deploy_bosh",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/aws/deploy-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": []
            "name": "destroy_env",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/aws/destroy-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": []
            "name": "backup_bosh",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/backup-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": [
                {"name": "timer_interval", "value": "24h"}
            "name": "restore_latest_bosh",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/restore-latest-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": []
            "name": "restore_custom_bosh",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/restore-custom-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": []

    "vars": [
        {"name": "aws_access_key", "opscontrol_var": "aws_access_key"},
        {"name": "aws_secret_key", "opscontrol_var": "aws_secret_key"},
        {"name": "aws_region", "opscontrol_var": "aws_region"},
        {"name": "aws_account_id", "opscontrol_var": "aws_account_id"},

        {"name": "azs", "value": "[eu-west-1b, eu-west-1c]"},
        {"name": "opscontrol_cidr", "opscontrol_var": "opscontrol_cidr"},
        {"name": "opscontrol_vpc_id", "opscontrol_var": "opscontrol_vpc_id"},
        {"name": "opscontrol_telemetry_route_table_id", "opscontrol_var": "opscontrol_telemetry_route_table_id"},
        {"name": "opscontrol_dmz_route_table_id", "opscontrol_var": "opscontrol_dmz_route_table_id"},

        {"name": "network_cidr", "value": ""},  

        {"name": "mgmt_subnet_cidr", "value": ""},
        {"name": "mgmt_gateway_ip", "value": ""},
        {"name": "mgmt_reserved_ips", "value": ""},

        {"name": "dmz_subnet_cidr", "value": ""},
        {"name": "dmz_gateway_ip", "value": ""},
        {"name": "dmz_reserved_ips", "value": ""},
        {"name": "dns_subnet_cidr", "value": ""},
        {"name": "dns_gateway_ip", "value": ""},
        {"name": "dns_reserved_ips", "value": ""},

        {"name": "services_subnet_cidr", "value": ""},
        {"name": "services_gateway_ip", "value": ""},
        {"name": "services_reserved_ips", "value": ""},

        {"name": "cf_subnet_cidr", "value": ""},
        {"name": "cf_gateway_ip", "value": ""},
        {"name": "cf_reserved_ips", "value": ""},
        {"name": "k8s_subnet_cidr", "value": ""},
        {"name": "k8s_gateway_ip", "value": ""},
        {"name": "k8s_reserved_ips", "value": ""},

        {"name": "k8s_public_subnet_cidr", "value": ""},

        {"name": "jumpbox_instance_type", "value": "t2.small"},
        {"name": "jumpbox_whitelist", "value": "[]"},

        {"name": "bosh_private_ip", "value": ""},
        {"name": "bosh_instance_type", "value": "t2.small"},
        {"name": "bosh_director_name", "value": "bosh"},

        {"name": "cf_certificate_arn", "value": "arn:aws:acm:eu-west-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:certificate/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"},
        {"name": "k8s_certificate_arn", "value": "arn:aws:acm:eu-west-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:certificate/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"},

        {"name": "git_private_key", "opscontrol_var": "git_private_key"},
        {"name": "jumpbox_public_key", "opscontrol_var": "jumpbox_public_key"},
        {"name": "jumpbox_private_key", "opscontrol_var": "jumpbox_private_key"},
        {"name": "bosh_private_key", "opscontrol_var": "bosh_private_key"},
        {"name": "bosh_public_key", "opscontrol_var": "bosh_public_key"},

        {"name": "ssh_allowed_hosts", "opscontrol_var": "ssh_allowed_hosts"}
    "source_type": "package",
    "package_bucket": "<BUCKET_WITH_PACKAGES>",
    "package_target_cloud": "aws",
    "package_version": "latest",

    "pipelines": [
            "name": "deploy_k8s",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/deploy-pipeline/deploy-pipeline-aws.yml",
            "vars": []
            "name": "backup_k8s",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/backup-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": [
                {"name": "timer_interval", "value": "24h"}
            "name": "restore_latest_k8s",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/restore-latest-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": []
            "name": "restore_custom_k8s",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/restore-custom-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": []
            "name": "smoke_tests_k8s",
            "file": "ci/pipelines/smoke-tests-pipeline.yml",
            "vars": [
                {"name": "timer_interval", "value": "15m"}

    "vars": [
        {"name": "kubectl_version", "value": "1.15.0"},
        {"name": "k8s_masters", "value": "1"},
        {"name": "k8s_workers", "value": "3"},
        {"name": "k8s_masters_type", "value": "general_small"},
        {"name": "k8s_workers_type", "value": "storage_large"},
        {"name": "k8s_network_name", "value": "k8s"},
        {"name": "k8s_network_sg", "value": "k8s-sg"},
        {"name": "traefik_certificate_bucket", "value": ""},
        {"name": "traefik_certificate_files", "value": ""},
        {"name": "insecure_registries", "value": ""},
        {"name": "extensions_bucket_name", "value": ""},
        {"name": "extensions_k8s_directory", "value": ""},
        {"name": "extensions_k8s_properties", "value": ""},
        {"name": "extensions_provider_directory", "value": ""},
        {"name": "extensions_provider_properties", "value": ""}

Run terraform

Start the deployment operation in directory "terraform" in the OpsControl repository:

terraform init
terraform apply

Environment deployment

Environments are deployed using Concourse CI/CD tool. Each environemnt has its own set of credentials and a team in the Concourse. In addition the main team has access to all other teams.

To create the whole environment follow the steps:

  1. Log in to Concourse using environment team credentials (or main team).

Concourse address is concourse.[opscontrol_base_domain], for example if the base domain is set to the concourse address would be

!!! note "Credentials" Teams credentials are available in credhub. To access the data SSH to jumpbox and use following commands: bash credhub_login credhub get

If you don't know the team names it is possible to enumerate all credentials using commands:
credhub find
  1. Unpause the "set-pipelines" pipeline using unpause button.

  2. Run the pipeline using acquire_locks job and wait for the pipeline to finish.

  3. Run deploy_bosh pipeline to install the whole environment infrastructure: BOSH, Jumpbox, DNS, Prometheus etc.

  4. After deploy_bosh is done you can deploy Kubernetes using deploy_k8s pipeline.

The last step of both Kubernetes pipeline contains informations how to use the deployed platforms and admin credentials.

!!! note "Access Kubernetes" Kubernetes is automatically configured on environment jumpbox with kubectl preinstalled.

Configuring Kubernetes

To configure Kubernetes cluster you can change the k8s-deployment.json file in your env1/bosh_deployments directory in the configuration repository.

You can simply change the number and size of master/worker nodes. You can configure insecure_registries or traefik default SSL certificates as well.

For more advanced configuration see Kubernetes and Extension Ops

Running conformance tests

  1. Log in into kubernetes environment. For credentials follow instructions available here
  2. Download a sonobuoy release
  3. Deploy a Sonobuoy pod
$ sonobuoy run --wait
  1. Wait for the test to finish
  2. Clean up the remains of the test framework:
sonobuoy delete --wait

Official instructions available here.