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Implementation of ALOE: Learning Discrete Energy-based Models via Auxiliary-variable Local Exploration

This code implements ALOE. The following demonstration shows how to perform training and inference.


Navigate to the root of project, and perform:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Data and model dumps

All the data and pretrained model dumps can be downloaded via the following link:

Please place the downloaded folder into gcloud folder, and organize the folders as:

|___aloe/  # source code
|   |___common # common implementations
|   |___...
|   |___data/  # data
|   |___results/  # model dumps


First nagivate to the synthetic experiment folder, then run the training script

cd aloe/synthetic

You can also modify the above script with different dataset names, by changing data= field.

After training, you can draw samples from the sampler, as well as visualize the learned heat map with the following command (suppose you have trained for 500 epochs)

./ -phase plot -epoch_load 500

You can also check the MMD on held-out set, via

./ -phase check_{KERNEL} -epoch_load 500

where KERNEL can be either linear or hamming.


The first step is to obtain raw seed inputs from OSS-Fuzz. Please follow the instructions there to setup the docker and obtain the corresponding LibFuzzer binary and seed inputs.

For simplicity, we show how to run our code with libpng target.

data preparation

Please create a folder with the target name under aloe/fuzz/data/fuzz-seeds. We have included seed inputs of libpng for convenience.

Next we run the following script to cook the raw data into binary format that can be used by ALOE:

cd aloe/fuzz

It will create a cooked data folder under aloe/fuzz/data/fuzz-cooked


Use the following script for training:

cd aloe/fuzz

You can also modify the field data= to train for other softwares.

perform fuzzing

Use the following script for generating inputs:

cd aloe/fuzz

You can also modify the script to specify the number of files to be generated.


You need to go through the docker image built by OSS-Fuzz to evaluate the coverage of generated inputs. Please follow the guideline here:

Program synthesis

data preparation

The synthetic training/validation/test datasets are provided. Please see the content under gcloud/data folder.

evaluating existing model dumps

We have provided the model dumps of the learned sampler. Please run


You can also modify the eval_method arg to use different beam sizes, or eval_topk arg to evaluate different top-k accuracies.

pretraining q0

If you want to train the sampler from scratch, please first run the supervised learning to pretrain the initial sampler q0:

cd aloe/rfill

You can stop the script when the performance gets plateau.

learning with local search

Move the pretrained models (encoder-xxx.ckpt, decoder-xxx.ckpt) into the result folder of editor. Rename the epoch index to -1, i.e., encoder--1.ckpt, decoder--1.ckpt.

Then train the editor in the following way:


It will load the pretrained q0 and train the editor part.