A git repository for PyCon Korea 2015
- For issue handling of PyConr Korea 2015.
- All codes about PyCon Korea 2015.
- Allow any languages, but don't know can understand or not. :)
- Communicate officially (@darjeeling)
- Media (@lexifdev, @tebica)
- Volunteers (@OuO)
- Sponsors (@darjeeling)
- Speakers (@tebica)
- Issue Handling (@bloodevil)
- Sprint / Tutorial (@lexifdev)
- Venue (@bloodevil)
- Budget (@bloodevil)
- Homepage (@lqez)
- Design (@lqez)
- Goods (@miyunim, @corazzon)
- Slack (https://pyconkr.slack.com)
- Mailing ([email protected], [email protected])
- Code and Issue tracking (https://github.com/pythonkr)
- Google Drive
- Amazon Web Service