Build your best resume ever!
A collection of multiple beautiful resumes build with LESS and Mustache Templates. Choose your favorite Curriculum Vitae and easily export it as PDF.
Follow these instructions to set up this project and create your own CV.
To run this project, please install node.
- Clone this repository.
- Switch to project directory and run
npm install
- Adjust your personal information in
. - Replace placeholder image
with your portrait. - To preview your CV run
npm start
. Check out http://localhost:3000.
If you adjust your data in /src/person.js
, please stop application with CTRL + C
and restart with npm start
When finished, run npm start
and run npm run PDF
in a new console window to generate resumes as PDF. You will find the all resumes as PDFs in /pdf
Feel free to adjust stylings. This project uses LESS. Under /less
global stylings are defined. Concerning the resumes, you will find here imported fonts and the page layout. To see how to adjust the page layout see 'Page size'. To add fonts see 'Add fonts'.
Each resume has its own directory. For example 'resume-1' is under /resumes/resume-1
. Each resume directory contains a Mustache template and a less-file. Font-sizes and box-shadows are being adjusted automatically. Therefore please read: XX and XX.
Font-sizes adjust automatically depending on how much content your resume has. The bottom margin of the content is defined in /public/javascript.js
// minimum margin of content to bottom of page
var marginBottom = 50; // in px
If you do not want the font-size of an element to adjust automatically, please use !important
.anyFont {
font-size: 12px !important;
If you want to deactivate the automatic font adjustment just remove this line from /public/javascript.js
Due to this Chrome bug, CSS3 box-shadows are not rendered properly in the PDF files. The solution is to add this styling to elements with box-shadows:
Unfortunately, fonts and images get blurred and lose quality. Therefore fixBoxShadows()
in /public/javascript.js
fixes this bug, by
- searching for all elements with a box-shadow,
- removing the box-shadow,
- adding a new and absolute positioned element (with same size, position, border-radius and box-shadow) to the HTMl body,
- and adding the stylings for
to the new element.
If shadows may be displayed wrong, please check that the element with a box-shadow has a proper height, width and positioning;
mixu/electroshot is used to generate PDFs. convertToPdf()
in /src/htmlToPdf.js
runs a short bash script for each resume running under localhost:3000/resumes/resume-X
. By default PDF equals A4. For more PDF settings check mixu/electroshot.
- Mustache
- Babel
- electroshot
- Node.js, JavaScript.
TODO add readme to html!
Feel free to create your own templates! TODO add on how to contribute
Icons made by Vectors Market from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY.