Please refer to instructions at
Instead of running
boot2docker init
run instead
boot2docker init -m 6000
Make sure that you have at least 6GB of memory available before you run the tests.
Set the docker ip via:
export DOCKER_IP=$(boot2docker ip 2>/dev/null)
Verify that docker is running by issuing the following command:
docker info
To run all the tests using mvn run the following command -
mvn verify -P integration-tests
To run only a single test using mvn run following command -
mvn verify -P integration-tests -Dit.test=<test_name>
For every end-user functionality provided by druid we should have an integration-test verifying the correctness.
- Name of the test must start with a prefix "IT"
- A test should be independent of other tests
- Tests are to be written in TestNG style (
- If a test loads some data it is the responsibility of the test to clean up the data from the cluster
A test can access different helper and utility classes provided by test-framework in order to access Coordinator,Broker etc.. To mark a test be able to use Guice Dependency Injection - Annotate the test class with the below annotation
@Guice(moduleFactory = DruidTestModuleFactory.class)
This will tell the test framework that the test class needs to be constructed using guice.
- IntegrationTestingConfig - configuration of the test
- CoordinatorResourceTestClient - httpclient for coordinator endpoints
- OverlordResourceTestClient - httpclient for indexer endpoints
- QueryResourceTestClient - httpclient for broker endpoints
- RetryUtil - provides methods to retry an operation until it succeeds for configurable no. of times
- FromFileTestQueryHelper - reads queries with expected results from file and executes them and verifies the results using ResultVerifier
Refer ITIndexerTest as an example on how to use dependency Injection
- Remove the patch for TestNG after resolution of Surefire-622