Baseline implementations for common algorithms in C++.
The code in this repo will probably not be generic enough that you can use it for your own problems, but feel free to use the implementations as a guide for your own implementations.
Mutation - Invert Adjacency List
Invert an adjacency list such that every edge points in the other direction.
T~O(E), S~O(N+E) -
Traversal - Breadth First Search
Allows to traverse graph in a certain order.
T~O(N+E), S~O(N) -
Traversal - Depth First Search
Allows to traverse graph in a certain order.
T~O(N+E), S~O(N) -
Topological Sort - DFS Approach
Find a order of the nodes such that all ancestors of a node come before the node itself.
T~O(N+E), S~O(N) -
Topological Sort - Kahn's Algorithm
Find a order of the nodes such that all ancestors of a node come before the node itself.
T~O(N+E), S~O(N) -
Shortest Path - Bellfast Algorithm
T~O(N*E), S~(N)
Find the shortest path to all nodes in graph from a start node. Additionally also finds nodes in negative cycles (shortest path = -inf). -
Shortest Path - Dijkstra Algorithm
T~O(E*log(N)), S~(N)
Find the shortest path between two nodes.
Find Center
T~O(N), S~(N)
Finds the center of a graph with the tree property. -
Hash Tree
T~O(N*log(N)), S~(N)
Computes the hash of a tree such that isomorphic trees have the same hash. -
Root Tree
T~O(N), S~(N)
Creates a rooted tree from a graph with the tree property. -
Determine Isomorphism
T~O(N*log(N)), S~(N)
Determine if two unrooted trees are isomorphic (i.e. have same topology). -
Lowest Common Ancestor
T~O(N), S~(N)
Find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes.