This opensource project is a tiny riscv processor core which written by verilog. It is very simple and easy to understand. Tinyriscv has the following characteristics:
1)Implemented RV32I instruction set.
2)Use three-stage flow line.
3)Can run simple C program.
###2.How to use
Tinyriscv run on windows platform, it Compiled and simulated with iverilog. Before to use, you need install these tools below:
Download from http://bleyer.org/icarus/, install it and add to system environment PATH.
2)GNU Toolchain
Download from BaiduNetDisk https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bYgslKxHMjtiZtIPsB2caQ, extraction code is 9n3c, decompress it into tools directory.
3)make tool
Download from BaiduNetDisk https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nFaUIwv171PDXuF7TziDFg, extraction code is 9ntc, decompress it and add to system environment PATH.
Take the "add" instruction as an example to show how to use:
Open the CMD and go to the sim directory and run command below:
sim_new_nowave.bat ..\tests\isa\generated\rv32ui-p-add.bin inst.data
You can see the following print if it run successfully: