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Yellow Server - installation and configuration

These are the installation instructions of this software for the different Linux distributions.

1. Get your domain and set DNS records

Before you start the server installation your own domain name.

Add these domain records in your DNS for your AMTP server:

A records of your AMTP servers

  • This record defines your AMTP servers' domain names
  • You need at least 1 such record

Example: IN A IN A IN A


  • This record defines your AMTP servers.
  • Servers are sorted by priority. If any of the server is unavailable, the next one is used instead.
  • If no network port is defined, then port 443 is used by default.

Example: IN TXT ",,"

This record refines that for accounts at domain: are used the following AMTP servers: at port 443 at port 12345 at port 23456

2. Server installation

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is recommended to install this software on a clean OS installation, otherwise it may cause that other software previously installed on your server could stop working properly due to this. You are using this software at your own risk.

Log in as "root" on your server and run the following commands to download the necessary dependencies and the latest version of this software from GitHub:

Debian / Ubuntu Linux

apt update
apt -y upgrade
packages=("curl" "unzip" "git" "screen" "certbot")
for package in "${packages[@]}"; do
 if ! dpkg -s "$package" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  apt -y install "$package"
if ! command -v bun >/dev/null 2>&1; then
 curl -fsSL | bash
 source /root/.bashrc
if ! dpkg -s mariadb-server mariadb-client >/dev/null 2>&1; then
 curl -LsS | bash
 apt -y install mariadb-server mariadb-client
git clone
cd yellow-server/src/

CentOS / RHEL / Fedora Linux

dnf -y update
packages=("curl" "unzip" "git" "screen" "certbot")
for package in "${packages[@]}"; do
 if ! rpm -q "$package" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  dnf -y install "$package"
if ! command -v bun >/dev/null 2>&1; then
 curl -fsSL | bash
 source /root/.bashrc
if ! rpm -q mariadb-server mariadb-client >/dev/null 2>&1; then
 curl -sS | bash
 dnf -y install mariadb-server mariadb-client
git clone
cd yellow-server/src/

3. Configuration

Create MariaDB user and database:

Log in to MariaDB client as root:

mariadb -u root

... and create a new user

CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL ON yellow.* TO 'username'@'localhost';

Create a new server settings file using:

./ --create-settings

... and edit it to set up the database credentials

Create database tables using:

./ --create-database

Create a new admin account:

./ --create-admin

... and enter you admin name and password when prompted.

Get your HTTPS certificate:


Set up the certificate auto renewal:

Edit crontab using:

crontab -e

... and add this line at the end:

0 12 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet

To edit additional configuration, just edit the "settings.json" file:

  • web section:
    • standalone - true / false (true = run a standalone web server with a defined network ports, false = run it as a Unix socket and connect it through other web server's proxy)
    • http_port - your HTTP server's network port (ignored if you're not running a standalone server)
    • https_port - your HTTPS server's network port (ignored if you're not running a standalone server)
    • certificates_path - path to your HTTPS certificates
    • socket_path - path to a Unix socket file (ignored if you're running standalone server)
    • web_paths - array with web server routes and disk paths
  • database section:
    • host - database host name
    • port - database network port
    • user - database user name
    • password - database password
    • name - database name
  • log section:
    • screen - log on screen settings
      • enabled - true / false
      • levels - showing levels and topics per level (levels: debug, info, warning, error, topics: true = all, false = none, specific topics = 'topic1;topic2;topic3')
    • file - log in file settings
      • enabled - true / false
      • name - file name
      • levels - showing levels and topics per level (levels: debug, info, warning, error, topics: true = all, false = none, specific topics = 'topic1;topic2;topic3')
    • database - log in database
      • enabled - true / false
      • levels - showing levels and topics per level (levels: debug, info, warning, error, topics: true = all, false = none, specific topics = 'topic1;topic2;topic3')
  • session section:
    • admin - how many seconds we store admins' sessions - for example: 600 = 10 minutes
    • user - how many seconds we store users' sessions - for example: 2592000 = 30 days
    • cleaner - after how many seconds should we check for old sessions - for example: 600 = every 10 minutes
  • log_file - the path to your log file (ignored if log_to_file is false)
  • log_to_file - if you'd like to log to console and log file (true) or to console only (false)

4. Start the server

a) to start the server in console:


b) to start the server in console in hot reload (dev) mode:


c) to start the server in screen:


d) to start the server in screen in hot reload (dev) mode:


To detach screen press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D.

To stop the server just press CTRL+C.