Command line talks through Wechat ###Description Aimed at: Create functions to use WeChat through command line Talks with friends on WeChat through command line Environment: Windows 8.1 - 64 Python 2.7.10 (with requests, Image) Attention: More information, contact me! 目的: 完成命令行使用微信的各种方法 通过命令行与微信好友交流 环境: Windows 8.1 - 64 Python 2.7.10 (安装了requests, Image) 注意事项: 有什么问题都可以联系我哟~ ###Log
- 160121:
- sending and getting plain text
- for demo, it will return what it gets
- 160122:
- fixed Chinese input and output
- set up structure
- 160124:
- existance test
- show QRCode through command line
- 160126:
- accept special messages
- add configurations
- 160127:
- download attachments
- finish storage, tools and out
- 160128:
- demo ItChat finished
- 160129:
- tuling robot part finished
- cpu consuming bug fixed
- 160201:
- auto-adding friends
- voice msg download
- 160203:
- sqlite3 storage added
- message sending bug fixed
- nickname not found bug fixed