A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
Kuboard 是基于 Kubernetes 的微服务管理界面。同时提供 Kubernetes 免费中文教程,入门教程,最新版本的 Kubernetes v1.23.4 安装手册,(k8s install) 在线答疑,持续更新。
A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.
这个项目是一个基于 Cloudflare Workers 的 Docker 镜像代理工具。它能够中转对 Docker 官方镜像仓库的请求,解决一些访问限制和加速访问的问题。
A GUI Panel providing Worker subscriptions for VLESS, Trojan and Warp configs alongside chain proxies, offering full DNS, clean IP, Fragment, Warp, Warp pro and routing settings for cross-platform …
PairDrop: Transfer Files Cross-Platform. No Setup, No Signup.
QD [v20240210] —— HTTP请求定时任务自动执行框架 base on HAR Editor and Tornado Server
🌀 Browse the whole web from a web page. Remote browser isolation. For compliance, integration, security, privacy and more! By
Prometheus Alert是开源的运维告警中心消息转发系统,支持主流的监控系统Prometheus,Zabbix,日志系统Graylog和数据可视化系统Grafana发出的预警消息,支持钉钉,微信,华为云短信,腾讯云短信,腾讯云电话,阿里云短信,阿里云电话等
Web SSH & Telnet (WebSSH & WebTelnet client) 🔮
🏆 WebRTC - SFU - Simple, Secure, Scalable Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 8k, compatible with all browsers and platforms.
Oryx(SRS Stack) is an all-in-one, out-of-the-box, and open-source video solution for creating online video services, including live streaming and WebRTC, on the cloud or through self-hosting.